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        Dreams when you fall asleep your mind wanders and you becomes your best self.Some people dream about making into Carnigony Hall.Other people dream about having yet another New York best selling book or they may dream about there new wedding business succeeding in the big apple.Or they may go for the more classic dream of rainbows and unicorns, waiting for prince charming to pick us up on there horse and take us away from all things horrible and nasty in the world.But some of us don't get dreams we get nightmares.Nightmares so bad that waking up feels like a dream.

        I  look at myself in the mirror of the bathroom in my school and can't believe anything that is going on.First off I look smoking hot and second off  I'm going to 8th grade prom.It's gonna be one of my last nights ever at this school and if I'm being honest I can't say I'm too sad about it.After I'm done checking my make up I go outside and see my boyfriend,Noah.He looks so hansom with a varsity jacket on and under a dress shirt with a suit and tie.His wavy hair is in front of his face and his bright blue eyes are more prominent then ever.Wait varsity jacket?

"Oh My God babe.What is this?"I say rubbing my hands on his jacket.

"Well babe I made the team."

"Noah oh my god thats amazing."I jump hug him.

"Well I guess this is a good time to tell you then."I say with a smile.

"Tell me what babe?"He pulls away his smile slowly disappearing.

"I made the cheer squad!"I say excitedly but when I look over at Noah he doesnt share the same expression.What?

"Cheer team huh?"He asks with a dark expression.

"Yea what's wrong?Are you not happy I made the cheer team?"I ask with the laugh knowing he couldn't be serious.But I'm awoken from that when he grabs my wrist and pins me against the bathroom door.

"Who told you you could be on the cheer team?"He asks in my face.

"Um Noah your hurting me."

'Maybe I wan't to hurt you."

"No.Noah please stop.You said you wouldn't do this again."

"And you never told me you were on the cheer squad so I guess we're both liars."He yells in my face before slapping me.He lifts me over his shoulder and walks.

"No!No help!"I wake up.It was a nightmare just a nightmare Emery.Breathe.Breathe.But when I look up and when I see my parents in my room I realize the nightmare has only just begun.

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