Mistakes We Made-Auden

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I'm being left in the dark.I'm trying to think positive because I'm supposed to be the positive sibling.It's growing harder and harder to be an optimist because everything just keeps going wrong.They say too be left in the dark can sometimes be blinded by the light and I'm trying to really go on that.

My dad just ran out of the house after having a rather heated conversation and before he left he dropped a bomb that my mother is in the hospital.Of course,I am not able to go and instead am left in my house alone with my thoughts.My thoughts about Danny, all I can hope is that he is safe.Emery told me that I could find him while still being safe but that doesn't seem like a great idea right now considering the latest drama's in the Scott's family.

I decide to put my thoughts of Danny to rest by sitting on our coach and watching a movie.I heard my mom talk about wanting to watch some movie called "Call Me By Your Name"and of course my dad instantly bought it for her.I've heard of the movie but just never got around to watching it, due to my age at the time when it came out.


Finishing the movie,I can't help the tears that are streaming down my cheeks.This was so sad and the fact that Danny is out there somewhere and I don't know where he is just makes this so much worse.

My phone begins ringing and for the smallest moment I feel a hope.A hope that this might be the boy that invaded my thoughts through this very sad, gay romance movie.But I was quickly disappointed to find my dad, the man who although didn't contribute didn't necessarily stop my sister being taken away from me for a month.I decide to answer despite the slow burning anger,I have towards him in the back of my mind.


I make my way into the hospital, rushing to the front desk.My sister is here and my mother is fine."Auden?"I hear and then I see Emery making her way to me.She has a leather jacket on and she is holding onto it tightly, her face is flushed and tear-stained.

"Emery.Why are you here?"I ask.I never thought she would be in the same building as our parents ever again.

"Well,Auden our mom is in the hospital."She lets out a tired laugh."But I already checked on her and she's fine, so I'm just gonna go."

"Wait.What?Why?Shouldn't this mean everything's getting better?You spoke to our parents after we all thought you would never do that."

"I know but I can't, at least not right now.I just...I can't come back.I need some time and I need to just try to figure everything with our parents and I okay?"She offers me a weak smile and I try to return it.

"Just please, try."

"I will bud."She smiles, opening her arms for me to hug her.Once I'm in the hug, she kisses my head."Give them a break, Aud okay?"

I pull away and my face contorts in confusion."Why would I?You're still not coming home."

"Auden, that's me and that's my issues.There trying,I'm just not ready and I know you don't understand why I'm not ready and that's okay.Just please, give them a chance."I huff at her words and she gives me a pointed stare."For me."Her voice is soft, despite the hardness of her expression.

I let out a long sigh."Fine.I'll give them a chance."She smiles at my answer and it is a smile I haven't seen in a while."But you need to promise me that you're gonna come home soon."

"I will Aud.I just need some time and to have some conversations with our parents okay?"

I nod my head along and she smiles.She grabs my hand and caresses it with her thumb."I love you little brother."

"I love you."With that she walks out and I'm left standing in the hospital waiting room, ready to see my parents.


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