New Beggings:Emery

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      I wake up to a sing song voice and my mom barging into my room calling me for breakfast makes it very clear who's sing song voice it was that woke me up."No"I groan.
      "Okay then."She shrugs her shoulders and walks out.Well that was easy.Too easy.I realize why it was so easy when a pair of big strong arms wraps around my waist and i'm lifted over my shoulder by the strong British accent of the chuckles I hear I know it's my father."Hey!"I scream laugh.

   He plops me down onto the chair and I my mom places chocolate chip pancakes on my table.My favorite.I smile at her gesture.Wait.

I pick at my food and ask "So what's the occasion?"

"What do you mean?"My mom asks taking her seat at the table.Auden must still be getting dressed because he isn't here.

"I mean what's with the pancakes."I say gesturing to my pancakes.

"What?I can't just make my daughter whom I love pancakes."She says and kisses the top of my hair.I look over to my dad and he shrugs his shoulders.

I scoff  and laugh "No."

My mom looks hurt so I walk over to her and put my plates in the sink where she happens to be cleaning the dishes "Mom if this has anything to do with what happened yesterday.Stop okay?You may not have been the most understanding person but your trying harder now and I'm not exactly innocent here.I mean I didn't open up to you."I reassure her and she brings me into a hug.

"You did nothing wrong Emery.I should have been there and I simply wasn't."She caresses my hair and I pull away smiling at her.

"It's okay mom."I pause for a moment and say "I love you."

"I love you Emery."Her eyes begin tearing up and I groan.

"Mom come on its too early for this."I tease.

"I'm sorry I'm such a cry baby."My mom whiles her tears away laughing.

My father comes in and puts his plate in the sink "Always have been.Always will be."He says  before kissing my mom's check and then kissing mine.

"Alright we gotta get going you don't want to be late for school now do you?"She pinched my check and sends me off.I run into my room and grab some clothes but then I realize I can just wear my cheer uniform.Wooo!I grab my uniform of the each and put it on.I then proceed to do all the hygienic things such as brush my teeth,deodorant and all that stuff.I pull my hair into a high pony tail and look at myself in the mirror.The cheer uniform is red and white and very classic.It's like the ones now a days that are tight fit it's more polyester and the skirt is kinda loose but not to much.I really like it.

I grab all my stuff and pack some clothes for practice.I walk outside and see my mother in the kitchen putting the dishes in the dish washer.When she sees me her mouth drops open and her eyes tear up.Not again.

"Oh sweetly you look so cute."She squeezes my check and awkwardly laugh.

"Thanks mom."

"I want to take a picture."She squeals.

"Mom come on really."I groan.

"Yes really come on."I roll my eyes but do as she says.I smile and put my hands on my hips and have one knee bent in front of the other than is straight.She squeals and my dad walks in with a confused expression.

"What on earth are you two going on about?"He asks with a smile clearly looking at my mother.

"Look Hardin.Doesn't she look pretty?"My
mom asks gesturing toward me and my dad's expression immediately changes.

"No."He says.

"What?"My mom asks.Yea same mom.

"No of course she looks beautiful.Emery you always look beautiful."He comes over to me and kisses my hair.I smile even though I know there's something else.

"But."and there it is."Your not wearing this."


"What?I am not allowing my daughter to where this to school."

"Well she is our daughter and I say she can wear it."My mom says and I smile at her.

"Tessa please don't start with me."Ive actually never seen them fight once in my life this should be interesting.

"No Hardin she is a cheerleader and you said you would try to support her.So try."My mom says affirmatively.Im kinda disappointed I wanted to see a Hessa fight they literally never fight its so weird to me.I mean now they never fight I've been reading my book and my dad was an asshole.

"Fine."My Dad mumbles.

"Yay!"My mom squeezes and jump hugs him and kisses his face.

"Umm hate too break your moment but where's auden?"I ask.They begin kissing but in between kisses my mom responds to me
"He"They kiss."Too umm."Kiss again."School."Can you guess what's next?Oh it's another kiss."Early."My dad then goes down to her neck and I am officially traumatized.

"He seemed pretty frantic when he went out the door."My mom lets out a moan.Oh god.

"Okay mom thank you."I say as fast as I can and run out the door I hear them laughing as I close the door.Oh I am never gonna get that noise out of my head am i?

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