Letting it all out...Mostly:Auden

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When I was younger I never really was nervous around girls.All my other friends would call them icky or be mean to them but I heard my mom tell Emery that when boys are mean to girls it means they like them.I never got it and I honestly still don't get it.But now that I am in middle school everything's changed.My friends always thought it was so cool that I could talk to girls so easily I never understood why and I still don't know.I'm not gay.I just dress nerdy and my first kiss was with this guy and my second kiss happens to be with the same guy.We had our moment until my mother came in and that's bring us to the present.Where I am under Danny looking at my mother with fear in my eyes but for some reason feeling relaxed with Danny holding my body weight up with his hand.I shrug him off and stand myself up.

"Mom."I say my mom just walks past me and sits on the coach staring at the blank T.V as if she was waiting for it to give her a solution to this problem,the problem that I just kissed a boy and my mom walked in on it.

Danny and I both stare at her for a while but I break the silence when I realize he is still here and my father is gonna be here soon with my sister."Danny I think you should go." I say as sternly as I can.

"W-What Auden?What do you mean?"He stutters clearly hurt by my words.

"Danny please."I plead with my eyes.He sighs with defeat.

"Fine but come here."He grabs my wrist and drags me outside of my apartment.

"Danny-"I start.

"Auden look.I-"He sighs clearly not finding the words.I grab his hand and caress it to calm him down.Both of our cheeks flush at what I'm doing but when I try to pull a way he doesn't let me.

"I don't know what this is okay?I don't understand why I feel this way but I do.I'm not saying I'm gay or anything but you can not look me in the eyes and tell me that you did not feel something when we kissed."He says.

"Danny I'm not gay.I-I can't be."I say.

"Look me in the eyes and say that to me."He says grabbing my chin so I face him.My eyes drop to his lips.

"I umm I-"I begin but am interrupted when he kisses my forehead.

"It's fine."He says softly.

"See you later Scott."He waves bye and I feel like I could cry any minute.When I walk in I see my mother in the same position so I just sit across from her knowing that we need to talk about this but really not wanting to initiate it.

"Auden."She begins.

"Please don't mom."I say.I feel the tears in my eyes.

"Auden I-"She begins.

"Mom I think this is a conversation to have with the whole family."I croak holding back my tears.She nods in agreement so we just wait in awkward silence until Dad and Emery burst in laughing.Emery is wearing booty shorts and a sports bra with a big varsity jacket that can not be hers.I almost want to ask her where she got it from but am immediately brought back to reality but dads booming loud voice "What the hell happened?"

"Dad please just sit down."I say trying to hold back the anxiety I feel over this situation.

"Can I like shower first?"Emery ask clueless and clearly weirded out by the situation in front of her.

"Please."My voice cracks causing Emery to immediately come sit next to me and hug me.

She whispers in my ear so only I can hear "I love you and your gonna be fine Auden."My dad take a sit next to mom and they all look at me for answers.

"Well what the hell happened?"My dad asks clearly annoyed with the whole situation.I can see why though walking in with your daughter to see your son and the mother of your children about to cry can't be too relaxing.

"Mom just say it."I tell my mom holding back my tears.Emery is still holding me to comfort me and it works.She has always been there for me even when we fight and I love her for that.

"I came home and found Auden kissing a boy on our coach."She says.My dad just stared completely in shock and my sister has tears in her eyes.

"I don't know what is wrong with me right now but-"I begin but am interrupted by my moms voice.

"Nothing is wrong with being gay Auden."My mom says.

"If there is one thing me and your mother know is that Love is love."My dad says grabbing my mother's hand which makes them smile.

"and I love you Auden.You're my brother whether u like girls or not."Emery says softly.

"I don't know if I even like boys yet."I say and i just notice now my entire family is crying.

"Well good thing you have time to figure it out bud."My dad says with a smile.

"Bring it in family."Emery says with a smile trying to lighten the mood and it works.We all hug then Emery suddenly says "I love you guys but I'm short like mom so I'm kinda under dad's armpit and it's not the best smell."We all laugh at her.

Dad lets her go and comebacks "Says the girl who was getting tossed in the air for two hours I'm sure you're a bit sweaty too Em."Emery laughs at my dad's comment and me and my mom just look at each other confused.

"What do you mean tossed in the air Harold?"Mom says sternly.My dad laughs and Emery shows us the videos she has of her cheering. Mom immediately freaks out and sends it to the whole family and they all gawk at her.I mean she is really good at it.When I first watched it I thought they were gonna drop her ass.The rest of the night is filled with dinner and mom still obsessing over Emery's skills and I just keep laughing at her embarrassment because it is hilarious.

I sit in my room getting ready for bed when I hear a knock at my door and my sisters voice saying "Can I come in?"

"Yes."I say.

"Hey."She says as she opens the door coming into my room.

"Hello."I reply.

"About today?"She says and sits next to me.

"Yea.Why do you think Mom and Dad were so shocked at the beginning?"I ask.

She laughs and says "Well Auden Dad had always envisioned you and him gawking over girls and him teaching you all his moves but that might not happen anymore.As for mom it's just shocking you know?To see your son making out with anyone let alone a guy in your living room."My face falls and she reaches for my face to pull is up "That doesn't mean they aren't any less supportive or that they love you any less."

"What about you?"I ask.

"I love you always dork."She says laughing.

"I don't even know what I want right now.I always had everything figured out but then this comes up and I have no idea what to do."I say.

"Well Auden that's life buddy and you have a whole lot of it to figure out who you are.Having everything under control is unrealistic bro you're gonna figure it out you always do."She says and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks Em."I say.

"Okay well good night little bro."She says walking out.

"Good night sis."

As she's about to walk out something stops her and she says "You know I'm always gonna protect and fight for you right?"I nod my head and smile.

"Good because I am.I love you."

"I love you Emery."I say and she walks out.I begin to drift off to sleep finding some relaxation in my world of craziness.

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