Letting it all out...Mostly:Addy

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"Okay so what song do you think we should do?"He asks me.

"Umm I actually don't know."I say honestly.I've never really been in love before and I only listen to music that really speaks to me.We sit down next to eachother on the piano not facing the actual piano though.

"Lucky."He says.


"Lucky the song I mean."He says nervously.

I nod "Okay."He grabs a guitar and begins playing.I hum along nervously.I have never sang in front of anyone except Emery.She knows I can sing and I knows she can sing.Both of us have always loved doing that but never had the courage to tell anyone.Guess now its time to tell someone.

Jake:Do you hear me?I'm talking to you.Across the water.Across the deep blue.Ocean under the open sky.Oh my.Baby I'm trying.

Addy:Boy I hear you in my dreams.I feel your whisper across the sea.I keep you with me in my heart.You make it easier when life gets dark.

Addy and Jake:Lucky I'm in love with my best friend.Lucky to have been where I have been.Lucky to be coming home again.Oooooooooo

Addy:They (Jake overlaps her:They don't know how long it takes)don't know how long it takes.

Jake and Addy:Waiting for a love like this

Addy:Everytime(Jake overlaps her:Everytime we say goodbye)we say goodbye

Addy and Jake:I wish we had one more kiss.I'll wait for you I promise you I will.

Jake:And I.

Addy and Jake:Lucky I'm in love with my best friend.Lucky to have been where I have been.Lucky to be coming home someday.Oooooooooo

"That was..."He begins.Our noses touch and I look down not wanting to stare into his eyes knowing I will inevitably get lost in them.

"Amazing."I breathe.He lifts my chin up forcing me to look into his eyes.My hair falls in front of my face and he tucks the loose strand behind my ear.Our noses reconnect and he says "So amazing."

He leans into me and I do the same but we are interrupted by my phone vibrating.It's my dad.

"Hey dad."

"Addy hey sweetheart.Today is your annual hospital check up."I stand up and walk away from Jake putting my back towards him.

"Um yea dad okay fine whatever can we talk about this later?"

"Sure honey.I love you."

"Love you to dad bye."I quickly hang up the phone and turn back towards jake.

"What was that about?"He asks.

"Oh nothing just....stuff."

"Stuff"Cool."He rolls his eyes.He stands up and grabs his things to head out the door.

"Did I do something Jake?"I ask.

"Were you talking to um a-another guy on the phone just now.Cause I heard a male voice call you sweetheart and i-...Umm just wanna know."I look at him and smile.I walk over and put my hand on his cheek gently caressing it.

"It was my dad Jake.I wouldn't talk to another guy and not just because I am a dork and no guy would ever call me."I laugh.

He doesn't though and cups my face "Who said no guy would ever call you?Your amazing."

"Uh yea that's me.Totally amazing."I say trying to make things less awkward but only seemingly to make it even worse.

I walk out of the room and turn to say "Bye Jake."

"Wait Ad."He yells.

"Wanna go get some ice cream after school?"He asks.I do have a doctor's appointment but they can wait.It's not like my horrendous immune system is going to go anywhere.


By the end of the day I am so exhausted.My dad texted me to remind me to be home by 6.I ignore it not wanting to face my reality.The reality that my immune system is horrible and I'm hiding that from everyone outside my doctor and my parents.Which naturally isn't easy but also very necessary.

I wait for Jake outside of the school gates, after a while I hear someone say "Boo!"I jump back scared by the unsigned voice.But when I turn around and I see Jake I instantly calm.

"The ice cream store is just a few block."He says.I'm not supposed to walk long distances but no risk no reward.Okay.

The longer we walk the more lightheaded I feel.Jake had picked up on this  a block or two ago but every time he asked I just reassured him I had a small lunch and we we're about to eat anyway so it didn't matter.But that wasn't the cast I actually had a quiet big lunch with the food ate from school and my injections.

We arrive at the place and order."I'll have vanilla please."

"I'll have cake batter with gummy bears, m and m's and marshmallows."Jake says and I gasp at the amount of sugar.

"Isn't that a little much?"I nudge him.

"No isn't yours a little not so much."He nudges me back and I giggle making him smile.We grab our credit cards back from the lady and take our ice creams.We take our seats and I watch in disgust as Jake devours his ice cream.

"That looks horrific."I laugh.

"It taste good just try it."He lifts a spoon up to my mouth and I shake my head in disgust.

"No.No I'm good.I would rather keep my teeth cavity free."

"Jesus Gibson I'm surprised you even know what a cavity is."He says clearly making fun of my "good girl" persona.

"Hmm very funny but seriously I can't eat that."I say not because I don't want too.But because of him double dipping his spoon his germs could be on there and my immune system is too damaged for that.

"Why not?"He says sucking on his spoon.

I try to think of a lie on my feet "Um well you see I have a week stomach so if I eat that I'll be on the toilet for weeks."I say not really understanding what I'm saying.Once I do finally understand I slam my head on the table and I can hear Jake's fits of laughter.

"It's okay Addy I like humor in a girl."He says and I blush.

"Well I like teeth in a guy.And if you keep eating that you won't have any."I tease.

"Okay mom."He says raising his hands in the air.I laugh and my phone rings I expect it to be my dad but it's Hardin.

"Sorry I gotta get this."I dismiss myself and answer the call.

"Umm Hardin what's wrong?"I ask.

"It's Emery."He says and I immediately leave leaving Jake with a brief expression and running to go find my friend who clearly needs me.

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