New Beginnings:Emery

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    He looks at me and I see his eyes go wide with shock.I quickly turn away from his stare not wanting to address this clearly awkward situation in front of all of Addy's new friends that now I am forced to eat lunch with."Hey guys this is Emery Scott."Addy says introducing me.I wave at them and give my best smile so they don't think I'm completely mentally unstable.

"Hey I'm Jake."The kid sitting next to Addy introduces himself.He has green eyes and dark black hair.He's wearing a blue shirt with some jeans and some converses.He leans over her to introduce himself and I notice that as he does that her cheeks go bright red.I give her a side-eye but she quickly darts away from my glare.I smirk knowing that my bestie likes a certain green eyed boy whose name starts with a J.

The girl next to Jake is has blond hair and green eyes.She's wearing a military green t-shirt with a jean jacket and some dark blue jeans.I notice her shoes and their filas . Damm this girl can dress."I'm Trin-"She goes to introduce herself but not before something salad and dressing fall on her.I look over her head to see who exactly threw the food on her and long and behold I see Bertha and her worthless piece of shit dog person,Jess.There both laughing at the extent of a girl who is supposed to become my friend according to Addy and if there is one thing I am certain of about me is that I don't let anyone fuck with my friends.I stand up and asks "What's your damage?"

"I'm just trying to give her a healthier alternative.I mean she could stand to loose a few pounds."Bertha says.I look at her and notice her eyes brimming with tears.

"A healthier alternative to all of us would not having to breathe the same air as you."I say Jake snickers at my joke.

"You think you're so high and mighty with that cheer uniform on.Well don't forget Emery you're still that same little girl who let Noah treat you like shit all those months and cried about it on national television."She says.

"Maybe I am.But at least I have a cheer uniform to feel high and mighty in."

"Emery Scott you are so done.I'm gonna-."I interrupt her.

"No.This conversation is done.Now walk away before I tighten up my pony tail and high kick you right in your make up plastered face."I smirk at her.She gasp and struts away like the pompous bitch she is.I walk over to the girl she fucking harassed and give her a hug "You good?"I ask.

"Yea and you're a total badass."She sniffed and we all laugh.

"Oh I try."I hug her."You are beautiful."I tell her.

"Thank you!"She hugs me.

"Trinity."She reaches her hands out and laughs.

"Nice to meet you."

"I'm Nathan."The kid next to Trinity says.He has curly hair that lands in front of his forehead and deep brown eyes.He's wearing a deep ocean blue shirt with a flannel over with jeans and converse.I nod and smile at him.

"And I'm Lily.The resident Lesbian and bad ass ,along side Caleb over here our brooding little piece of shit.But I'm sure  we could share the badass category with you Scott."She smirks at me.

"Sounds like an honor."I smirk.I walk back towards my old sit next to Caleb.Everyone in the group starts going into there own conversations except Caleb and I.

"So what's up with you blondie?"He asks.

"Umm nothing much."I reply trying to keep as dry as possible to avoid conversation.I look towards Addy I really wanna just force her to talk to me to avoid this Caleb kid.But when I see her talking to Jake I know I can't.I smile seeing her so happy he better treat her right because I don't wanna have to break his nuts.I don't think that will sit well with the group.

"Not since we last saw each other?"He smirks and I roll my eyes and awkwardly laugh.

"No."I smile.

"You know I actually am sorry that you had to go through that.No girl deserves to go through that.Especially you."He says.I furrow my eyebrows wondering what he meant.

"And you know what Scott I am actually kinda insulted that you only recognize from the time you bumped into me."He turns to completely face me.

"What do you mean?"I ask completely confused.

"I'm Caleb.Caleb McLain."He says and then it hits me.

"Caleb like from elementary school.Didn't you like move away or something?I never saw you after 5th grade."

"Yup thats me.Lost the glasses, started working out, started wearing more black."He gestures towards his cloths and I laugh.

"Yea you we're such a nerd."I laugh.

"I was also madly in love with you."He says and I gasp.

"What?"I ask.

"Yup you were my elementary school crush.With your pig tails and your black and blue lunch box.I always thought you were so cool.I mean I still do.You really set Bertha in her place."He says and I laugh.

"Yea but I can't believe you liked me?"I ask.

"Not like.Loved Emery.I was so in love with you but I knew I never had a chance."He says.

"Who says you don't now?"I ask.Did I really just say that out loud?By the look on his face I can tell I did.Shit.

"I-I mean.I'm just saying.I'm not that amazing that a guy as hot as you wouldn't have a chance."Shit I called him hot.

"Hot huh?"He smirks and touches my thigh shit.

"I.I."I stutter.The belle rings saving me from this awkward experience.

"See you later Em."He winks and I need to pick my jaw up off the floor.Did that seriously just happen?And to me?

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