Get It Together:Hardin

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                Only a few short moments after calling Addy is she bursting through the dare with a concentrated stare."Where is she?"She asks.I don't even need to know who "she" is because it is so clear that she is referring to Emery.

"In her room."I gesture toward the room.Addy walks in and I assume she is trying to talk to Emery.I can not believe it.Never in a million years did I think my daughter we reform to taking her own life.I always knew I would give my children everything they wanted and I did just that except I miss the most important thing.I missed the fact that my child needs to feel like she can talk to me but she didn't.

I thought we were past this but that was an idiotic thought.Emery bottled up everything and this was her snap.Now my daughter thinks taking her life is the own solution and me being the selfish bastard I seem to constantly be I will not have it.I will do anything to keep my baby safe, absolutely anything.

"Hardin."Tessa says snapping me out of my thoughts and bringing my attention to her.

She sighs and has tears in her eyes "We need to send her away."Her voice is barely a whisper.

"Send who away?"I ask not following.

"Emery."She sighs letting her tears fall as she sits down on the coach.

"No what Tessa.Send her away what do you mean?"I say frantically running my fingers through my hair.Taking in my flustered appearance Tessa grabs my face in her hands and rubs the pad of her thumb along my cheeks.Her bottom lip is trembling and the tears are still streaming down her face.

"Theres an institution that specializes in potential suicide victims."She says not meeting my eyes.

"So what?You want to send my daughter to an asylum.She's not crazy Tessa she's just broken and we can fix her.Please Tessa let me try to fix her."I bend on my knees and beg Tessa.I have never cried harder in my entire life than how I am right now and that is saying something considering what I have gone through.

"Hardin I can't risk it.Emery is a witty girl she would find a way to trick us to get her way and I can't risk that.I can't risk that especially when her way ends with her in a  grave."Tessa had to take deep breaths in between in her last words.She is really trying as a mother but given the fact that she never had the best role model for one it has not proven easy.

"Tessa please."I manage to croak through my tears.I stand up and look her in the eyes.

"Hardin it's happening and I'm sorry but I can't loose her."

"You'll end up loosing her anyway."I point out.She sighs and turns away from me running her fingers through her long blond hair that Emery also has.Ever since I had Emery I can't help but point out every similarity her and Tessa have.At first glance they may seem like polar opposites.Emery is loud and opinionated as where Tessa is calmer and more respectful o her surroundings.But all that being said the way they both purse there lips when there angry is undeniable,the way they will never let a man treat them like shit is also undeniable, and the way they are stubborn as hell is another undeniable similarity between the two blonds.

"No I won't Hardin!"I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Tessa pacing around our living room.The word she had said sounded more like a message to herself then something she is trying to say to me.

"I won't loose her.I'm trying to save her okay?"She says.

"Plus it's already set in place even Addy's in on it."She sniffles.

"W-Wait.So you mean to tell me you plotted this whole thing in this short amount of time and didn't even think to ask me my opinions on this?Tessa she's my daughter to.I need to have an opinion on these types of things."I say exasperated.

"Hardin I looked into this before.This wasn't just something I pulled out of my ass."She says.

"Why?What?Why the fuck are you looking into asylums?!"I yell so exasperated with the love of my life standing in front of me.

"Because I can't have her turn out like me!"She yells and she unleashes the flood gates that are her tears for the second time in this mere few minutes we have shares.

"If she turns out like me with bottling up her emotions to feeling sorry for herself 24-7.She will be put in that dark place I was.I don't want that for my daughter."She sighs.Then it hits me Tessa is only this way cause of fear.She sees the similarities between her and Emery as do I and doesn't want Emery to turn out like her.Though I can't see why Tessa is perfect but she wasn't always.She was broken at a point and it even scared me.The way she would just stare blankly at nothing and wouldn't eat, sleep,or shower was very unnerving.

"Oh come hear baby."I sigh pulling her to my chest and let her cry in it.I then see Auden standing at the door staring at us with a confused expression.

"Hey bud!"Tess sniffles pulling him in for a hug and sniffing him.He looks at me as if to ask "what the fuck?"but i just smirk at him.

"We have something we need to tell you."Tessa begins.Okay here we go.

"Emery is..."Tessa is interupted by a loud banging at the door.I immediately go into defense mode and go to see who it is.When I open the door it is revealed that two tall men in white uniforms come in.Tessa gives them a nod and they go into Emery's room.I immediately rush after to stop the ordeal but the way Tessa grabs my arm and looks at me I know that those are the men taking my baby away, taking my daughter away.Auden looks distraught as ever which is justified considering the poor boy is just confused as too way I let two tall men go into my daughter's room.

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