New Beginnings:Emery

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      When I walk into school I can feel everyone starring at me but I try to keep it to myself.I walk to my locker, looking at my feet trying to avoid eye contact with all the stares I'm getting.I grab all the shit I need from my locker and take a look at my pictures.It's pretty much just Addy and I but I don't mind.Never been much of a people person and I have no intention of starting now.I close my locker only to find Addy leaning against the locker next to mine.I scream in shock but quickly recover.After I catch my breathe I say "You scared me."She glares at me and I am actually starting to get kind of uncomfortable.

"Emery where in the hell were you?You didn't come to school yesterday, you don't answer your phone and then I go home and see on the news that you were in a domestic relationship with Noah."She huffs.I look down in shame.I am the worst best friend in the world.

"Em you're my best friend.You could have told me this was happening and I would have helped you."She stops for a second and grabs my hand."We promised each other when we started middle school we would always be there for each other remember?"She asks and I nod.

"And me being there for you includes everything Emery.Even the dark shit that I know you think I can't handle."How the fuck does she always know everything?

"Promise me something Em?"She asks and I nod.

"No matter what happens we go through everything together okay?Because maybe one day we'll both find the love of our lives but you're my soulmate Em."She says and I smile at her.

"I promise and you're my soulmate too Adds."We hug for a little while but our moment is interrupted by the belle.

"Okay I got to get to first period but I will see you at lunch okay?"She nods her head and I begin walking away.

"Oh shit Em wait!"She yells and I stop walking walking and turn to face her.She runs up to me and says "I have a little surprise for you at lunch."

"Okay?"I give her a quizzical look but all she gives me is a smile and walks away.I laugh and playfully roll my eyes then head to my first period, literature.When I get to the class everyone is looking at me including the teacher.I walk over to her desk to see what the hell is going on.

"Mrs.Johnson what is going on?"I whisper to her.She has always been my favorite teacher because she is so cool and awesome I just admire her so much.She gives me a sad look and I look back at her confused.

She sighs and stands up."Emery they played you on the news at our faculty meeting yesterday and administration made the decision that all the first period teachers were obligated to umm play the news segment in the morning."I pause for a moment.I can't move.

"Okay."I say and walk to the back of the class in my usual spot.Mrs.Johnson gives me a sympathetic look and I give her a nod and my best fake smile.She walks to the front of the class and stands in front of the projector.

"Okay everyone I am obligated to play you guys this video from the news that was aired last night of one of our own student's brave stories."I look down knowing that the student she is mentioning is me.

She begins playing the video and I hear my speech played back and I can feel tears well up in my eyes."Weak little bitch!"Bertha yells and everyone laughs.Mrs.Johnson glares at her and then gives me a sympathetic look.I can't take it anymore.I run out of the classroom knowing I am full blown sobbing.I wipe my tears away and head to my locker.I grab my phone and put my earbuds in and head toward the bathroom.I play "No one is alone"because it makes me feel like less of a piece of shit even though I'm sitting here alone in the bathroom crying about some pompous bitch with shitty red hair. Doesn't get anymore pathetic then that.

When I hear the bell ringing signaling us to go to the next class I walk back to Mrs.Johnson's classroom and apologize for my abrupt exit.She tells me that she understands and apologizes for Bertha's reaction to it.I give her a nod and head to my next class.I keep to myself for my next few classes knowing that everyone in the school has seen me cry on national television about my abusive boyfriend.I feel invisible.I thought being a cheerleader would make people notice me more or at least I would gain a little more respect.But even in this red and white polyester outfit I'm still the same weak broken girl who got abused all those months and didn't say a word about it to anyone, even her best friend.

I head to Addy and I's usual lunch table but am stopped by someone yanking on my arm.I come to the knowledge quickly that it was in fact Addy "What the hell Ad's?!"I whisper yell at her trying not to drive attention toward myself.

"We're not sitting there today Emery."She says with a smile.I give her a weird look.

"What are you going on about Addison?"I ask still so confused as to what my pyscotic  best friend is going on and on about.

"I'm not going on about anything Em were just not sitting there."

"And why not?"

"Well for starters look at it its in the darkest corner and next to trash cans."She explains.

"Hey!No need to bash our table it has been good to us."I say defending our seating spot for the past 3 days of high school.

"Yea so good that you got food dumped on you,I was left to sit there alone yesterday when you were gone and now today that cycle of shit stops."I roll my eyes at her knowing she makes  a good point.

"Okay fine."I sigh."But where would we sit?"I ask gesturing to the cafeteria full of people.She smirks at me and says "There."I follow her finger which is pointing at a table full of kids.

"No."I say.

"Em."She whines.

"No Addy I'm not a people person."

"I'm people."She says.

I roll my eyes "Barely."She ignores my comment about her weirdness and continues pleading for me to go to sit with those people.

"Come on."She pulls me over and I try to pull away but for some reason she is actually pretty strong.

"Addy how do you even know those people?They're gonna think we're such freaks."I say.

"Well yesterday when a certain best friend ditched me I didn't have anywhere to sit and Trinity, a girl sitting at that table, noticed and invited me to sit with them."She explains.I hate the thought that she had to sit alone because I was dealing with my emotional baggage and crying on every news circuit in America.

"Ugh okay."I give in.She drags me over to the table and I put on my best sour face.She sits me down next to her and some guy with really black hair and hazel eyes.He's very familiar to me and then it hits me.He's the guy I bumped too on the first day of school when I was running from Noah.Holy shit.

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