1 month...-Emery

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        I'm making my way to the lunch room when I see Addy sitting there,I immediately just want to run and hide but I can't,I shouldn't.I have nothing to hide.I didn't do anything, she did.

I walk into the cafeteria and all the eyes are immediately on me, particularly Addy's.My whole old so called group of friends is walking over to me.Addy looks frightened, which she should be cause I might just beat her ass any minute, she and I both know I most certainly can.Caleb looks sad when he looks at me, pity which is the last thing I want especially from him.Trinity is walking over me with a small smile, she has always been a sweet heart too bad she wasn't my cousin.Jake is walking right behind Addy rubbing her arm and encouraging her to move further.Nathan is next to Trinity with his weird hard face that is weird expressionless face.Lily looks pissed as she walks over to me and I make my way just pissed over to all of them.

I fully intend to just move past them and grab my lunch but judging by the way they are now all in a semi-circle blocking me, that most likely isn't gonna happen."What is this an ambush?"I raise my brow at them.

"You have been a-wall for the past month.Don't you think you should have contacted us in some sort of way?"Trinity chimes in.

"Yea Em.We we're worried."Addy says, her eyes never meeting mine.

"Oh so Addy didn't tell you then?"

"Emery."Jake stops.He is looking at me with pleading eyes, so he knows but nobody else does.

"Tell us what?"Trinity asks, glaring at Addy and Jake for them to shut up.

"Oh this is getting good."Nathan

I smile."Your girl over there Addy was part of the reason that I was gone.I was sent away and she knew about it, actually even contributed to the decision too."

"We're not doing this here Emery."Addy says.

"Wait.So you knew this entire time that Emery was gone?All those days of us all not knowing where the hell she was and looking for her, you know where she was and said nothing.What the fuck Addy?!"Caleb says he's voice growing louder and louder with every syllable and by his final sentence he is yelling.

Jake immediately advances toward Caleb his voice starting off very loud."Watch it!She isn't to blame for this shit!"Addy is in some sort of way, she was okay with me leaving and that says a lot about our "friendship".

"Emery was sent there for a reason Caleb.A good one at that.Addy told me everything."The second the words leave his mouth, the tears well up in my eyes and I can feel myself starting to break.The facade is coming down and I'm not ready.

"What the fuck did you say?"Caleb asks, his voice is low and cold.What is he doing?That's when I decide to step in.

"Caleb back off."I press my hands to his chest, trying to relax him.

"Emery."He sighs.

"Stop, this isn't happening,I just need you to not cause anymore problems for me."

"What do you mean?What problems did I cause you Emery?Just talk to me."He puts his hands on either side of my arms and rubs slowly.

"I'm not having this conversation with you right now.I'm not having this conversation with anyone of you right now."I say to all of them.I am teary eyed as I turn my back and walk away from them, deciding lunch isn't worth it.

I feel someone yank on my arm and I turn around to see it's Addy."Emery stop walking away from your problems.Jesus christ."She groans rubbing her temples."That is why you got yourself in that goddam asylum in the first place!"She yells, the second the words leave her mouth her mouth goes over her and the cafeteria that was once loud with conversations is now silent.All eyes are on me.

"Asylum?"Trinity says behind her.

"Emery what the hell?"Caleb says."What does she mean asylum?What the fuck happened?"

"Don't worry about it!"I yell.I turn my attention back to Addy and give her a glare."I'm gonna fucking end you."I say.I reach over to Addy and tackle her.I give her a punch, pulling on her hair making her once tight pony tail now very loose and lower than it was.I am yanked away from her but none other than fucking Caleb.

"Get the fuck off of me!"I yell.

"Emery calm the fuck down!"He yells putting his chin over my head and rubbing my hair.

"Hey Addy.Walk the fuck away and leave me the fuck alone.You stupid bitch!"I yell at her.

"Hey.Hey.Hey."He whispers into my hair as Jake pulls Addy away.I see Trinity in the corner and push Caleb off of me, wiping under my eyes.I shake my head at him and mutter a "stop."He needs to stop.Stop this fucking with my head and let me be.

"Caleb.Leave her alone."Lily says pushing him away from me and pulling me into the hallway, leaving him with his arms open staring at us.Lily has her arm around me as she guides me into the hallway.

"Okay Emery.You know I'm your friend right?"She asks and I nod."You know how friends tell you the truth out of love?"I nod again."Well, here's the truth Emery whatever the fuck is going on with you.Get over it."


"No.Shut up, you need to listen.You're better than any of them just for the fact of what you've gone through.Now get the fuck over it."

"I don't wanna get over it okay!?"

"The only person your sabotaging here is yourself.The pink hair and the dark crackhead look isn't doing you any good.Your showing them that your affected and your better than that Emery!You're better than Caleb, you're better than Jake, and you sure as hell are better than Addy."

"I don't care!"I yell when I notice there are some students around me."I don't care okay?"I whisper again.The bell rings and I walk away."I-I gotta go."


I'm at home or what is supposed to be home I guess but before I can enter the trailer,I am stopped by the lady that owns it."Emery hey darling."Her british accent is thick and her skin is wrinkled."Your rent is due soon."

"I know.I'll have it I promise."I walk past her up the stairs to my door.

"Soon is Thursday sweetheart."Her voice stops me.

"That's in three days."I scoff.

"I'm aware.Get it or I'm kicking you out.No excuses."Before I can even reply she walks away from me.I walk into the trailer and sigh, tomorrow is my first day at the strip club and I have to make a good 500 dollars.I don't know anything about stripping but I am preying that I can girder this out because if I don't I'm officially homeless.There is no other option,I can't go back home.That's not my home.

Isn't it funny that Addy is putting me through this yet gets to go home to her loving parents, in her big ass house, with all of our family supporting her?She gets to live the princess life even though she is nothing but a witch and I get to live this life.The life where I have to sell my body just to make it by.I can't believe this shit.

Author's note-

THE NEXT CHAPTERS ARE GONNA BE SO MUCH LONGER I PROMISE!I want to develop the plot of the story more and I need to have longer chapters to do that.Please make sure to vote and comment what you think will happen next it really motivates me to keep writing.Thanks yall.

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