Love,Lies and Secrets:Auden

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          I stand outside of the school waiting for my parents but then I remember they are with Emery so I will be walking home today.Great.On my way home I see Samantha and Joseph eating outside of this Mexican  restaurant my family and I like to go to sometimes.Mostly whenever Mom or Emery's on there period it's like there craving or something.I don't know whenever they begin talking about periods I just zone out.

      I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Samantha calling me over to sit with them.I nod a yes to her and make my way over there.

"Hey."She stands up and hugs me.

"Hey."I reply.Joseph looks a bit uncomfortable but when he looks up at me he gives me a warm smile.

"So what you doing here?"She asks me as I pull out a chair next to her to take a seat.

"I was just on my home."

"Doesn't you dad usual pick you up though?"She asks curiously.

I laugh while saying "Yea there is just some stuff going on with my sister so I have to walk home today."

"Oh well I hope she's okay."She reassures me rubbing her hands along my spine.Isn't this supposed to be like calming it's just making me really uncomfortable?She picks up on this and removes her hand from the small of my back.She then looks to Joseph and he gives her a reassuring nod.What?

She turns to me and says "So Auden I've been meaning to tell you something for a while"She puts her hand on mine and I feel very uncomfortable but try my best not to show it.

"Auden I-"She is interrupted by Danny bursting through the front door of the restaurant with what I assume would be his food.

"Okay I finally got my food it only took cussing the waiter out."He laughs but immediately stops when he notices me.

"Auden what are you doing here?"He asks while taking a sit across from me next to Joseph.

"Well Sam notice me walking and invited me to seat so I'm just hanging out."I reply.I feel kind of nervous.

"Yea Danny I was actually about to tell Auden something so.Auden I-"She is interrupted once again by Danny abruptly standing up and saying "Wait!"

"What?"She asks clearly confused and I know I share her same expression.

"I...Umm.Me and Auden have a project to compete for Language Arts.So we better get to that right Auden."He grabs my wrist and pulls me away from them.

"Hey what are you doing?"I ask frantically his touch calms me but it's still weird.

"Nothing Auden I-"

"I thought you couldn't do the project today."He grabs my hand and walks toward my house.

"What are you doing?"I ask clearly confused by the situation.

"I'm walking you home."He says like it's the most normal thing in the world.

"Why thought?"I ask.

"Because we're bro's."He says but something about his tone

"Right bro's."I punch his shoulder.He's a lot taller than me and his eyes are so gorgeous.The rest of the walk is filled with us holding hands in comfortable silence.Once we reach the door of my apartment he stops and cups my cheek.I feel like I should pull away but I really don't want to.

"Thank you for defending me today."I say.My breathing bitches as he moves to my ear.

"Always."He pulls away and then I look at his lips and he looks at mine.He then crashes his lips against mine and our tounges find each other in the best way.I cup his check and we just continue kissing for a while until we here someone's door open in which I pull away.Both of our checks are flushed and red.He looks distraught and I know I share the same expression.

"Don't tell anyone about this Auden I'm serious."He says before running away.What?

I walk into my house to find my parents and my sister sitting on the coach watching TV.They all notice my distraught expression and ask me what's wrong.I say nothing because I don't even know what's going on myself.I then head straight for my bed to try to understand what the hell just happened.No such luck.I may not know the reason for why what happened did happen but I know it did and I also know I wouldn't mind if it happens again.

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