Love is a Battlefield-The Scott's

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Auden's P.O.V

I grab Danny by his collar and pull him onto the ground, we roll around for a while both of us trying to gain control.Be the dominant in the position we're in.

"Auden!"Danny yells as I roll on top of him, feeling my heavy breathing becoming more and more raged."Auden!Auden!Get the fuck of me!"

Something in the way he demands me almost turns me on.It sets something off in me and not in a good way that most would expect.I growl under my breathe and punch him straight in his jaw.I start to feel blood come onto my knuckles but it doesn't stop me,it might actually push me further.

I feel a hand drag up my stomach and a low plead."Auden.Please baby,relax."


I scream another time, tears brining the rims of my eyes.I continue my assault on him until I feel myself roughly pulled away.As I'm being taken away,I look down at my shirt and see blood there.

But it isn't mine.It's Danny's.

"Auden!Auden!Wake up."Emery whisper-yells in my ear.

I get up,wiping the sweat from my head."W-what's going on?"

Emery sighs ,rubbing at her temple moving to sit at my feet."You we're having a nightmare.You just started growling and moving around a lot, then you started to scream and then you started crying."I look up at her,wiping under my eyes feeling the tears coming back apparently for the second time.I bite my lip sitting up straight, rubbing my eyes and taking a deep breathe."What were they about?"

"I don't know..."I sigh,playing with the blanket not wanting to make eye contact with my sister.

"We're they about what happened with Danny?"Emery asks.

How the fuck does she do that?Always knowing how I'm feeling ,even when I don't know what I feel."I don't even remember what happened."I sigh,tears already rolling down my cheeks as I cradle my head in my hands.

"I know you didn't Aud."She sighs,rubbing my knee.The certainty in her voice gives me a sense that there's something more to the story.

"What do you mean?"I ask her.My eyes feel so heavy right now but something tells me Emery knows what the hell is wrong with me.

"I mean...I have nightmares too Auden and you  might not remember but you had them a lot too."

"I did?"

She nods her head sighing."Yeah you did."


"When you were younger...You used to have nightmares and it was always after you had just gotten really aggressive with someone."She tells me,laughing lightly.I know she's trying to lighten the mood but all I can feel is the darkness.

"I got aggressive before?"I ask her."I was always the calm one,I can only really remember you getting into fights."

"For you.I always fought for you."She smiles at me.I nod my head knowingly,Emery never went a day without defending me."Auden when you were younger ,you were different.You just took a little longer to understand things than other kids and people gave you shit for that.That made me mad.I always knew you were so much more than just you're disability so for people to make you feel like less than because of it.Yeah, it made me mad and I fought.But you fought too."

I grab onto my head, feeling a head ache from all this information."W-Who?I don't even-"

"Remember."She finishes for me."You never did.Mom and Dad didn't ever wanna tell you about it.They're seemed to be a pattern with you, every time you had a blackout , you never remembered anything.Then you would have a nightmare with small parts of it, you would always say something that connected to what we we're told about whatever aggressive situation you got you're self into."

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