1 month...-Tessa

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1 month since I've seen my daughter.1 month since my beautiful baby boy has even shared a glance with me.1 month since Hardin and I have had sex.How did I everything come to this?

How did my beautiful daughter who I carried in my stomach for 9 months,who as a miracle to me because I was told I would probably never had kids, and now my miracle is in her room with her brother packing to leave.Isn't this supposed to happen when she's 18 and going off to college?Aren't I supposed to have 4 more years with my baby?

But that's the thing she isn't a baby any more,she is a young adult and all I wanted was for her to be better.I needed help growing up,help that my own mother didn't have the heart to give me.

I'm sitting on the coach with Hardin and even though we're close,we seem so far.We just got home from dropping off Emery and she's in her room with Auden getting her things.All I can do right now is hope there sibling love makes her stay.I look at Hardin and notice he is crying softly.I reach over to touch him but he shoved me off.This has been going on for a while,every time I try to touch him or you know be his girlfriend he shoves me off.I know he loves me,he has to love me but he hasn't said it or done anything to show it ever since we left the place where Emery had been."Hardin you need to talk to me."I sigh.

"What is there to talk about Tessa?"He asks,his voice is cold and he doesn't look at me.

"I'm your girlfriend."

"I know that."

"Then act like it.You don't talk to me anymore,we sleep on different sides of the bed,we haven't even had sex in a month!"I say as loudly as I can trying to make sure the children don't hear.We had one rule going into having kids,no fighting in front of them.This rule has grown very hard to not break keeping in mind all the drama from the last month.

"Sorry Tessa I just simply can't talk to you,hell I can't even look at you without seeing red."

"So then what then Hardin you wanna break up?"I croak.Just the thought seems way to much to bear.This is my family and it's falling apart.I never had a real family and now I do,and it's falling apart.My son won't talk to me.My 14 year old daughter is leaving and god knows if I will see her again.Hardin became my constant and even he is starting to fall apart.

"I don't know Tessa!"Wow.He doesn't know.We always knew when it came to us after everything.I genuinely thought we would never break up.As cliche as it sounds I thought we would be,endgame.I scoff letting some tears roll down my face when Emery comes through the door.She stops taking in the sight of us.

"Trouble in paradise?"She asks putting her back on the table and opening the fridge."Just a little disclaimer so you don't get too excited,this is me trying to find out for a Auden.Even though he hates you,he does love you and you two breaking up and being the little shit heads you were too me isn't what he deserves.So if you ever loved me at all,which I think you did,you will figure it out."

"Emery,we do love you it's just complicated."I try.I keep trying here but keep failing.

She slams the fridge door and walks over to me angrily."See that's where your wrong mother.You don't care about me."

"I was just trying to what's best for you."

"And sending me to an asylum was what's best for me?"

"Emery you don't understand."

"What don't I understand Mom?I understand that you sent me away for a month.I understand that you neglected me for a shit ton of time."

"I thought we were past that."

"We can't get passed it!You haven't even apologized for what you did not that I care.I don't need you.I don't need any of you fuckers.Im gonna figure my shit out without you!"She yells.

"Emery you do need us."

"No I don't."She scoffs.

Hardin gets up and walks right in front of her."The people who say they don't need anyone,need them the most."

Emery sighs and takes a deep breathe,her eyes fill with tears."Your right.I needed you.I needed you to be there for me.I needed you to not make an assumption that I was suicidal.I needed you to not take everything away from me."

"Emery."Hardin tries to touch her but she shrugs him off,lighter than I would have assumed she would.I need to stop assuming about my daughter,so far I have been really wrong.

"I can't."She sighs."I can't be here anymore."

"Why not baby?We love you."Hardin tells her,getting closer to her yet still keeping his distance which she clearly needs him to do.

"We can give you everything you need."

"Do you even know what I need?I needed you.I needed my mom.But you...you literally kicked me out.I'm doing you a favor by leaving."

"Tessa!"Hardin groans rubbing his fingers through his hair.

"You can't actually believe that right Emery?"I ask.Preying that she doesn't.I love her.That will never change.

"Why shouldn't I?You sent me to an asylum cause I accidentally cut myself with glass."

"Emery you don't understand when I-"

"It's not about you though!You did something to me and I'm not you.I won't ever be you.I'm Emery Scott and I survived domestic violence so shitty parents will be a breeze."She yells,all the sadness was gone and replaced by a fiery anger.

"Emery we have done so much for you..."

"Including neglecting me?Including sending me away becuase you couldn't handle that fact that I showed emotion.Dont worry.I'm leaving."She says and without another word she is out of my apartment.The second she walks out the door,Hardin goes to our room slamming the door shut and I don't even have the energy to follow him.My daughter is gone.My son is basically gone.Hardin and I are on the rocks.I'm alone.Again.

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