Get It Together:Tessa

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TRIGGER WARNING!(Brief mention of suicide)

          "We love you Emery."Is the last thing I am able to get out before my daughter is dragged away by two large strong men in white suits taking her to get the help she needs.The tears are streaming down my face as I can still her her screams and cries from down the hall.It's agonizing, having to watch my very own daughter be taken away from me, but its what she needs.She can't become like me that sad broken darkness I felt is something I will protect her from.I always will.Even though she will hate me I will now I saved her from the dark place I went to.

Auden pulls away from Hardin and snap his around at us.The look he gives me almost brings me to his eyes.He's heartbroken and I caused that but I did it for Emery.This is what's best for her.It has to be.

"How could you do that?"Auden asks.I can't tell him.As much as I want too I can't tell him.I'm supposed to be super women in there eyes the mother that can do it all.Not that Tessa who was broken and didn't eat and sat in green house floors crying.

"Auden."I begin.

"No mum what the hell is wrong with you?"He yells.I can't blame him but that doesn't stop Hardin from glaring at him and pulling me into his arms, not the time Hardin.The worse part is Auden is right except he is asking the question I needed asked to late and I don't want that to happen to Emery.

Hardin scolds him for talking to me that way but I can't blame Auden for doing that.I took his sister away and he is too young to understand why.

"No and you're even worse.You let her do it.You held me back and let them take my sister away.Do you have any idea how she must feel right now?You took her away from everything.She needs us we're her family this will just make her feel alone."Auden says and Hardin storms out the room.

"Hardin."I follow him.He slams the door shut behind me.

"Tessa I can't do this.Okay?I can't do this anymore."He says running his hand through his hair, old habits die hard I guess.

"Hardin what do you mean?Are you gonna break up with me over this?"

"Tessa you know I could never do that.But we are having a seriously conversation because what you did was over the top fucked up and that's coming from me.The guy who pranced around our fucking college campus with your fucking virgin blood on the same sheets we had sex with."

"You're not that guy anymore Hardin."I say softly because he isn't, he has everything I love about him without everything I hated like anger and drinking problems, he's perfect.

"This isn't about me Tessa!"He snaps and I look down not able to meet his piercing green eyes staring down at me.

"This is about the fact that you sent our daughter away without telling me.God dammit!She is my little girl.I held her in my arms when she cried and I could do that now.You should have just let me try to fix her fuck!"

"Hardin you can't fix people!She needs to fix herself that's the only way she will ever be okay!"I yell back.He doesn't get it.How can he not get it?He went through everything with me even if he was far away.He was going through therapy trying to make a new him the same time I was minus the therapy.

"Tessa she doesn't need to be okay all the time!She is a teenager!A moody, hormonal, rude teenager but she is also my god damm daughter.We are her family and we need to be there for her.You didn't even try."He sighs his voice cracking as he sits down at the foot of our bed.

"Hardin I love that little girl more than anything in the world!"

"Yea I can sure as hell see it!"He counters and I loose it.

"Hardin just shut the fuck up!You have no idea what the fuck she went through!She went through something abusive and horrible and she is 14 god damm years old.Suicide rates are up.I can't loose her she's my daughter and I'll be dammed if she ever goes down the way I did."

"Tess did you?"He grabs my hand."Did you think about killing yourself?"

"No.I mean I thought about it when my dad."

"Why?"His voice breaks.

"Because I felt nothing Hardin!Absolutely nothing!It was like this abyss of darkness and I couldn't get out of it and I really wanted too.But I got over it.It was hard but I got over it because I had you.Emery doesn't have a you her you turned out to be an abuser!"

"Tess."He grabs me and I let tears stream down my face.

"I can't loose her Hardin."

"I know baby I know."He kisses my forehead.

"I'm sorry."I say sobbing into his chest.

"It's okay.Well it's not okay you should have talked to me about this and not our 14 year old niece but I understand where you were coming from baby.She will make it through this.She's tough."He puts his arm around my shoulder as my head lays on his shoulder.

"That she is."I sniffle.We decide we have to go outside and face the music.Although she left she would be back and we can't stop life for that.I miss her more than anything but I am willing to wait for her to come back if it means she gets a chance.A chance to live happy and never have to worry about her issues ever again.I think that was one of the mistakes Hardin and I's parents made they just assumed we would get over everything that had happened to us.But we didn't and we wen't through hell because of it.Although we did meet each other and fell in love it doesn't take away the years of trauma and pain brought on by it and I never want my daughter to ever feel pain like that ever.

We're laying on the coach when Auden comes in and throws a piece of red fabric in Hardin's and I's face.We look up at him and he has a hard expression on his face.

"What?"Hardin asks.

"Here.That's a piece of her uniform.You took everything away from her because she is broken and you have no room to talk about being broken.Mr.I burned down my house because my mom is a cheater."Hardin immediately stands up.I follow grabbing his arm.That's a really sensitive topic for him but Auden is in a sensitive place right now.Shit cheer?Emery's a cheerleader.Shit.Maybe I didn't really think this through?

"You don't love emery."Auden whispers.What?Of course we love her.I want to say that but I simply can not find my voice, like I said old habits die hard.

"Yes.Fuck!We do.It's just we can't help her."Maybe we can?

"We're her family.Didn't you guys learn you have to be there for her more?And the time she needed you most you turned away.You let her be overtaken by darkness and I know my sister more than either you because you too busy sucking faces like Horney teenagers to notice.But let me tell you one thing she will never forget this and you are so lucky if she even decides to call you her parents again."Auden finalizes before walking out.

"Tess."Hardin looks at me clearly trying to break me out of the blank expression I know I have.

What I am about to say next is probably the most crazy thing ever considering my past thoughts and actions "Let's get our daughter back."

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