1 month...-Auden.

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              1 month.1 month since my sister was taken from me and I was livid.The second that her foot crossed the door I gave it to my parents.Normally I would never in a million years talk to my parents, especially my mother, the way I did that day.I didn't talk to them for that entire month but I kept myself occupied with a special someone.

Danny.He has been there for me in more ways that one.None of us know what we're doing here but when I'm with him everything just makes sense.When Emery left we tried literally everything but I lost hope. Every time we visited her, which was once a day, she was less like herself.Emery was snarky and funny, always had a comeback in her back pocket and it was always funny.She was darker.My sister wasn't my sister, she was a different person and I didn't know what to do anymore.

Danny and I spent every morning together and every night together helping Emery and doing other activities.We made out a few times and it was steamy but we haven't done anything more and he hasn't pressured me at all.This month was one of the worst and one of the best.The worst because my sister was taken but the best because Danny was with me, but then I'm reminded that Emery wasn't here with me to let me gush over how amazing he is.

I'm gay.I know this.But I'm not ready for everyone else to know and I think Danny is also gay, maybe bisexual, but whenever I bring up the topic he just well shuts down.

This whole Emery thing has affected everyone really the Gibsons haven't been around as much as they used too.Addy called a lot at first ,I think she even tried to see Emery but after that she never called again.Emery probably cussed her out which I can't say she doesn't deserve because she does.Everyone does, including me.

I could have done more but I didn't.None of us did.Now,I am sitting on my couch waiting for my beloved sister to come home.As if on cue the door bell rings and I jump up to open it.but when I do it's Danny.I smile instantly and he smiles back.

"Hey Aud."He says coming after he closes the door behind him he kisses my cheek.

"Hey Danny."I reply."What are you doing here?"

"What you don't want me around babe?"

"Babe?What do you mean "babe?"I take a second to really look at him and his eyes are bloodshot.He's high.Again.If I didn't mention it every now and then Danny is coming to my apartment or calling me high off his mind and making me help.He refused to talk about and won't tell me why exactly he gets so high.

"Your high."I say.

"Auden I'm sorry I-."He's interrupted by the door bell ringing and I shoot him a glare.

"Shut up and go into my room.We'll talk about this later."I shove him into my room and fix my hair, walking to the door.I open it up and find my sister but she is not my sister.She has pink hair,  a cigarette in hand, and is wearing baggy clothes yet there tight too.What?She wasn't this way when I last saw her.I see my parents behind her and continue my plan of completely ignoring them.

"Emery come into my room please."I grab her arm, ignoring my parents.Shit Danny is in my room.Emery we'll understand.She's still my sister.Yes.She's my sister.

We reach my room and as soon as the door closes I see Emery's eyes fixated on Danny laying on the bed with his head in his hands."Who is this cutie?"Emery laughs walking over to Danny.She sits in front of him and squeezes his cheeks.

"H-Hi."He says nervously.

"Danny can you like go?I'll call you later."I tell him, he just nods and leaves.I turn my attention back to my sister and notice her sad expression.

"Who's that?"She whispers.

"Danny.He's just some guy."I reply taking a sit next to her.

"Some guy?Auden I may have been put in a mental hospital but I'm not stupid."She laughs."I missed so much in just a month."She sighs looking down at her hands.

"Emery.I tried so much but I just..."

"I get it.You had a life to live.I just wanted to be able to see you live it.I remember when you we're just a little kid I loved seeing all your  first moments and now you're-

"I'm gay."I blurt out.She wants to be there for my first.Here's a first.

"What?"She sniffles looking back at me.

"I'm gay.You wanted a first, this is a first.I'm gay.Danny is the guy that had helped me get through loosing...you."

"Auden."She laughs."What's he like?"

"Well he's sweet and he's funny and he's really over protective."

"But."She stretches out the word.

"But he has these issues and he won't talk to me about them."

"You just need to give him time okay?Pushing a person to talk about something they don't want to, doesn't make them talk about it.I would know."She laughs but I can't find the humor.

"Emery what happened to you?The pink hair and the piercing, and the cigarette.Since when do you smoke?"

"Auden I'm leaving."


"I'm moving out."

"Where are you going?"

"I will send you the address but you can't tell Dad or Mom or anyone actually okay?Nobody can know."She walks out of the room and heads to her own where I had been sleeping.

"Auden I need to go."

"Why?Just say please."

"I cant!Okay I can't!"

"How are you even gonna pay for it?"

"I-I have my ways.Don't worry about it Aud."She grabs all her clothes and shoves it in a bag.I can't believe I'm loosing her again.It's all my parents fault.

"I love you more than anything.I will see you very soon."She kisses my forehead walking out but I stop her.

"What about Addy?"

"She can go fuck herself for all I care."She says with venom.

"I'm sorry for what she did but she's your best friend."

"No she stopped being my best friend,the second she did what she did."She sighs."I love you Aud.But I have to go."

With that she's gone.Again.

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