Get it together:Auden

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Once Emery is out the door I can still hear her kicking and screaming.How could my parents do that to her?I break loose from my dad's grip and turn around.I know I'm crying but I don't care right now.

"How could you do that?"I ask.

"Auden."My mom tries.

"No mum what the hell is wrong with you?"My dad glares at me and pulls my mom into his arms.

"Don't talk to your mother like that."He scolds.

"No and your even worse.You let her do it.You held me back and let them take away my sister.Do you have any idea how she must feel right now?You took her away from everything.She needs us we're her family this will just make her feel alone."I say.My dad just walks away.

My mom sighs and follows "Hardin."He slams the door shut with my mom inside the room.I hear them screaming at each other but I'm too focused on glaring at Addy.

"Why did you do that to her?Your the person she trust the most in the world and you let them take her away.You know her the best so you should know this-"

"Yea Auden!I know her the best.So I know this wouldn't have been the best thing for her.She would have gone bottled everything up.This was her snap I only did it to protect her she'll understand when she-"

"Will she?Will she really Addy?You know she'll never forgive you right?"

Addy snaps "Yes she will!She has too.She's my best friend."

"And yet you're the reason she isn't here right now.Your the reason we probably won't be seeing her for a long time."Addy huffs and walk out and I can't help but feel so annoyed right now.How can nobody see how majorly fucked up this is.I call the one person I know will make me feel better and with in a minute the most confusing thing in my life yet the thing that makes me most happy right now outside my apartment, Danny.

I go into Emery's room and take it in.Her bed sheets are completely off and it's almost like she was being dragged away.Oh yea cause she was.All I remember was her horrified expression and trying to help her but I couldn't.I couldn't save my sister.I clean up her room so when she comes back it's ready for her.A piece of her cheer uniform is ripped on the floor most likely from when the guy took her away.My parents better get her a new one or I swear to god.I look around again and notice her leather jacket.I take it and put around me and take in her minty scene with a hint of Victoria Secret perfume.

When I walk out of her room I see my parent's on the coach watching friends and I snap."Here."I throw the piece of her cheer uniform at my dad's face.My mom is cuddled into his chest so she noticed it as well.


"Here.That's a piece of her uniform.You took everything away from her because she is broken and you have no room to talk about being broken.Mr.I burned down a house because my mom is a cheater."My dad immediately stands up and looks me dead in the eyes.

"Hardin."My mom whispers grabbing my Dad's arms.

"You don't love Emery."I say at almost a whisper but they still heard it.

"Yes.Fuck!We do.It's just we can't help her."My dad defends.My mom has tears in her eyes and can't advert her gaze.

"We're her family.Didn't you guys learn you have to be there for her more?And the time she needed you most you turned away.You let her be unglued by darkness and I know my sister better than either of you because your two busy sucking faces like Horney teenagers to notice.But let me tell you one thing she will never forget this and you are so lucky if she even decides to call you her parents again."I turn away and head to the door.When I grab the handle I look back at them to see they haven't moved.

"I on the other hand won't be loosing my sister today.Or ever actually."I walk out the door and I can't stop the tears pooling down my face.When I go outside I see Danny and the second he noticed my expression he hugs me so tightly.

"Your gonna be okay Aud."I sigh and keep crying into his shoulder.

Once we had gotten back to his place he took me straight to his room averting me from his very masculine family.They all play football except the mom she was in Lacross.As soon as we had sat down on his bed I told him everything from Emery's break down to her getting taken away.He nodded along silently.

"Wow Auden I'm so sorry.I heard about a girl on the news I just didn't think it was your sister."

"Yea it was."I sigh.

"Do you miss her?"He asks and I feel my eyes well up with tears.

"So much."I sigh."I had lost her before you know?When her relationship with that piece of shit guy started she wasn't my sister anymore.She was dark and depressed and my parent's didn't even notice and now the second she finally opens up and needs them to lean on they pussy out and send her away.It's not right."

"Your right it's not."He rubs my shoulder and it's very soothing.

"I just miss her so much."I sob.

"Hey Aud It's gonna be okay.Come her."He pulls me to him and holds me as I cry.After a minute I pull away and get an idea.

"Let's go see her."


"Can we go see her please?"I beg.He looks at me like I have to heads but ultimately says yes which makes me smile.I type in the address of the place which I got my dad to tell me somehow and we head for it on our bikes.

Once we reach there I'm so nervous.Danny takes notice of this and wraps his hand in mine and leads me to where the front desk of where they have her.They let me in quickly saying that I am the only person she wanted to see which makes me smile.Danny has to hang up back from this and I go to see my sister.Alone.

When I go see her she is on the other side of a clear glass barrier between us.She is wearing all white clothes and her blond hair is short now, her eyes are red with tears and I know this is because of the obvious she is in here missing her life.

She picks up the phone and sighs looking like she is about to cry "Auden."

"Em I'm sorry okay I tried but they wouldn't let me."

"I know.I know."She puts her hand out to the glass and I do the same.

"I miss you."She says.

"I miss you to Em.I am so pissed at Mom and Dad and Addy for putting you here."

"I know you are and I am too but we can't do anything now."

"But Em what happened to you?Your clothes and your hair?"

"Yea they cut it off and threw away my uniform saying I won't need it where I'm going."

"Where we're you going?"

"It was..."She begins but is interrupted by two large man similar to the ones who yanked her out of our house and bring her away.

"Emery.Hey!Bring her back!What are you doing to her?"She is screaming and I keep slamming on the glass.

"Hey buddy i think it's time for you to go."Another big man yanks me out and I'm guessing based on my no doubt sad and shocked expression Caleb can tell what's going on.He asks me but I don't wanna tell him until we're out of here so I tell him nothing.We ride back to my house and before we get off I pull him to me.

"i lied."


"About nothing being wrong.There is something wrong."

"Then what is it Auden?"He gets closer to me clearly worried.

"There hurting her I know it."I say."I need to protect my sister."

"Then we'll protect her."He says and I smile.I'm coming Emery.

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