1 month...-Hardin

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         This month has to have been the hardest in my life.Everyone and everything I love was so far away yet so close.Tessa and I have been on there rocks every since Emery had left.Yes I love Tessa more than anything and I know her heart was in the right place when she decided Emery should be sent away, without me.She says she regrets it and I believe her but I just can't help myself back get mad at her every time I wake up and don't hear Emery whining about waking up early or every time I pass by her room and see Auden there instead of her.

Speaking of my son, he won't even talk to me.He leaves really early and then comes home really late at night.I can't even punish him or yell at him about it because I deserve it.We had tried so hard to get her back but every-time they shoved in our faces a contract that has Tessa's signature saying that Emery has to stay in there for 1 month or else Tessa and I risk getting sued too much money for us to afford.

We tried.We tried to talk to her but all she did was stare at us.She always had the same uniform and the same stare.But she never talked.Never ever talked.

3 weeks ago.

"Tessa calm down."I rub Tessa's thigh.We're on our way to Emery's "home".We haven't seen her in a while.We had gone the day after we sent her but they didn't allow us to see her something about her going through, treatment or something.

I questioned Tessa about that but she just told me that it was therapy but I'm still not sure.

"I'm scared Hardin.She could hate me."She sighs as do I.I can't lie to her and tell her that Emery won't hate her because she probably will but theres nothing we can do about it.All I know is that we can only hope that our baby decides to give us the time of day, which we surely don't deserve at all.

"Tessa we can't do anything about that right now baby.Just relax because going in there scared is just gonna make her feel like a freak more so than she probably already does."I sigh."Thanks to you."I say under my breathe.

"What's that supposed to mean Hardin?"She snaps her head to me revealing her soft blue eyes that are a complete contrast to her hard yet still so beautiful facial features.

"Tessa I'm not getting into this with you again."I roll my eyes and she just huffs turning away from me.She's so damm childish sometimes.She needs to stop acting like I have absolutely no reason to be pissed at her.My daughter is in a god damm asylum because of her and I can't get her out.That would make any Father feel like shit and especially me cause I try so hard to be good to Emery yet I keep failing.It's like I can't stop being a failure.

The rest of drive is dead silent, none of us daring to speak.We finally pull up to the crack house as I would call it.I turn off the car when Tessa grabs my face and kisses me, hard.Out of habit I put my hand behind her neck pulling her closer.She breaks it once we are both breathing hard, she folds her lips inward and smiles.

Our foreheads press together and she whispers "I love you.You know that right?I would do anything for you."

"Anything except tell me that you wanted to send our daughter to this crazy people place."I look way from her.She grabs my chin and makes me look at her.Her blue-grey let alone would normally make me melt for her but every time I look into her eyes,I see Emery's terrified expression as tall man put there hands on her and dragged her out of her own home.

"I'm sorry Hardin.But you know why I did it.I love you.We're gonna get her back."She kisses my forehead and I sigh.I really want to pick a fight with her but I can't do it right now.Not when my daughter is only a few minutes of a walk away from me.

"I love you Tessa."I tuck her hair behind her ear and wipe the tears I hadn't notice until now we're on her beautiful face that only got even more beautiful with age.

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