Get it Together:Hardin

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      After last nights ordeal with Auden I just keep feeling like there is gonna be another bomb just waiting to drop.Like I we will always been doing damage control for our kids but I guess that's part of parenting.I mean I wouldn't know my parent's are all drunks or adulteress whores so don't have the best examples.

Tessa and I haven't talked about Auden since we both had found out about him possibly liking boys.I obviously love him for who he is because he is the same exact sweet and smart little boy he was just a second before I had found out.It's just an adjustment that I am willing to make for my son.As much as I wish it was just a switch like I could just be completely adjusted to the concept of my son could be gay it isn't that way.Because of the way I have chosen to live which is in the public eye he will be subjected to this as well.I will have to talk to him about keeping him even thinking about it to himself and only talk about it to his family just to ensure nobody knows until he is officially ready.

I think about how I won't be able to teach Auden how to treat a lady or how to pick up a lady.As much as I did look forward to that I would give all of it up any day to see my son happy and being is true self.Auden is special and yes this will be an adjustment but it will be the best adjustment cause it means Auden is being his most true self.I never want him to feel how his Mother did, having to hide the way he feels about certain things and putting on a brave face when it is time to let the emotions out.I want him to feel like he can be whatever he wants as long as he respects people and is the same polite young mad Tess and I raised and adore.

After a long morning in my apartment alone with the kids at school and Tess at the office it is officially time for Tess and I's lunch date that we arranged, just to address everything and how we are going to handle it considering our family is in the public eye and how this might affect Auden and I's book.

I text My girl and say *Hey babe we still on for Los Reyes in 30*

She immediately replies *Of course H already on my way can't wait to see you love*.I smile, damm I am so whipped for this girl but I always have been since day 1 and I always will be.

I head to Los Reyes, a Mexican restaurant Tess and I love completely and we always go here because its her and Emery's period craving and I love to spoil my girls.Tessa and I get seated by some douchy waiter who keeps saying weird Spanish things to her that sound really romantic and sexy and she won't stop giggling.I glare at her and she stops.She reaches to put her hands over mine and rubs her thumb across my hand and I smile at the gesture which completely wipes my mind from that flirtatious hispanic waiter.

"So about Auden?"She stars and I nod along.

"You're okay with this right?Because if you weren't I don't think I-"She rambles but I immedieltly cut her off.

"Tessa of course I am okay with this.I love Auden.This is just an adjustment we have to make for him.As his parents who love him more than life it shouldn't be that difficult."I say with a smile.

She smiles back and sighs and I see her tearing up "Baby what's wrong"I ask.

"Nothing it's just...I don't want Auden to hide who he was for some many years like I did."She looks down and I sigh.I knew it.

"Hey.We can make sure that doesn't happen.If we give him an environment where he can feel like what he is going through is normal and it's not wrong he will open up."

"But what if he doesn't Hardin?What if he pushes us away and isolates like you did?"

"I did that because I was angry and didn't like showing weakness.That's more of an Emery problem."I laugh trying to light the mood, it works.

"Auden is just like you strong and powerful but can be really sensitive..."I begin but stop when she cocks a brow at me.

"What you're gonna tell me you're not sensitive Tessa?"I lean back into my chair with a teasing smirk.

"Yes I am.Cause I'm not."She says with a smirk.Not even she believes that I know it.

"Tessa."I press and she burst into laughter and I can't help but join her.

"Fine maybe I am."

"Yea you're also just maybe a control freak?"I say sarcastically laughing.She cocks a brow at me again and I raise my hands in mock innocence.The rest of the lunch date is filled with laughter and our silly what we like to call "Hessa Banter".

"Okay control freak let's lighten you up."I say as we walk out of the restaurant rubbing her shoulders.

"I have errands to run."She says continuing to walk but I have other plans so I spin her around to face me.

"Case and point control freak.But let's get you a relaxation day."I say breathing on her neck.She sucks in a breath and nods harshly.I laugh at her aggressive response that I caused just by my breathing.

The day is spent with Tessa getting her hair and nails done.We also go shopping and Tessa buys some new lingerie and I do expect a fashion show tonight.When we get home we're laughing and having fun but we see our apartment is complete wrecked and Emery is on the floor holding her hand that has a big cut across it and is crying.Mother fucker.

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