New Beggings:Hardin

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          After Tessa leaves I am still trying to clean up after our morning sexy time.I would have dragged her back to bed for Round 2 of morning sexy time but I knew she had to go to work and I do to.Today is the day where I face Emery's situation from last night.My publicist has been spamming my phone with emails, messages,and phone calls trying to get me to handle the situation and when Emery cries on national television thats when she really went for spamming the shit out of my phone.I don't intend on apologizing for my daughter's speech because I think it was beautiful and well said.Ever since I found out about Emery dealing with domestic violence I haven't been the same so I think burying myself in Tessa helped a lot.But god if my girlfriend isn't stubborn I can't believe she let Emery walk out in that skirt.Which reminds me I didn't even know my daughter had a cheer skirt to wear.Through all the drama that happened the last day I think Auden and I have the first 20 chapters of our book.

I get dressed in what Tessa calls my "Scott Style"which is all black.Thats one thing about me that hasn't changed since college.I head out the door and call my publicist.She answers on the first ring and yells into the receiver "Hardin!Where the hell have you been?!"

"With my daughter."I say dryly.This women has been a pain in my ass since I booked her.She swore I had feelings for her and was always all over me until one day Tessa told her ass off.She's always had a problem with my family because according to her they are dragging my career down but in reality they made my career.My best selling book is based of Tessa and our story which includes my family.In reality I think she is just jealous that she could never beat Tessa because Tessa is the love of my life.

"Hardin why didn't you stop your daughter from saying that speech on the News?"She asks.

"Because I didn't need to.My daughter is a beautiful young lady who went through a hard time and got up the courage at the young age of 14 to share her traumatizing story for the world to here and to inspire young women like her to get out of relationships like the one it took her months to get out of.I am proud of my daughter she did something a old ass women like yourself couldn't even do and she's only 14.So if your gonna call me and complain to me about my daughter then you can hang the fuck up and block my number because I will fire your ass so quick.So is there anything else you would like to talk to me about?"

"No sir.Just that I scheduled a press conference today at 12 at the publishing house for you to address the situation."She says professionally.

"I'll be there."I say and hung up the phone.

I continue my drive to work and when I get there I head to the office they have set up there for me which I barely use.But I have chose to use today because I have a press conference here anyway.I spend the about 4 hours I have to proof read some of the manuscript Auden wrote for the book we're gonna write together.We have no idea what we're gonna call it but probably something that has to do with Father and Son.

I check the time on my computer and see I have five minutes till 12 so I pack up my stuff and begin heading downstairs.When I reacher there I see my publicist Jessica and she tells me to wait here at this table on a stage in the lobby of the publishing house.After 5 minutes have past the lobby begins to flood with angsty reporters asking a bunch of questions that I can't understand at the same time.I wait a little bit to see if they will calm down a lass they don't.So being Hardin Scott I grab the microphone and say "Hey!Shut up!"They all silence.That worked.

"Okay I'm Hardin Scott and the reason your hear is to address the situation with my daughter.I will be answering the questions I feel like answering if you have an issue with that there is a big door in the back and don't let it hit you on the ass on the way out.Okay also I will be pointing at you and when I do so you can ask your question.Got it?"I ask.They all say "Yes" in unison like mindless robots which is exactly what they are so I'm not very far off with my description.

The entire interview is filled with me explaining my daughters situation and I was so pissed off during the whole thing.The old me would have completely ripped up those little preppy dick wads for the way they were talking about my daughter and parenting style.But then again the old me wouldn't have even wanted Emery nor would I have been good enough to be in her life.I'm happy I changed for that.After I finish the interview I notice its 5:30 and I have to start heading to get Emery from cheer practice.I roll my eyes at the thought of my daughter cheering for some idiots with her ass hanging out.

When I arrive I notice it's raining and I see a bunch of teenage girls in sports bras and shorts running out to there cars but no sign of Emery.But after a while of sitting and waiting I see her in the hallway of the school talking to some boy.She's smiling and laughing and when I look at the boy he has the same expression.This boy has dark hair and I'm guessing brown eyes I can't really tell he's too far away.He's wearing basketball shorts and a top that is covered with his varsity jacket.I notice them to continue laughing and right when I'm about to honk for her I see him taking off his jacket and handing it to her.She tries to push it to his chest but he insists and puts it on her.She smiles at him and waves him bye when she notices my car waiting in the rain.She runs over to my car in a sports bra and shorts.Damm I never noticed my daughter has abs.When she gets into the car I immediately try not to yell "What the hell Emery?"

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