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                I wake up and don't see anyone in the kitchen or my parent's bedroom.I go to check Emery's room and what I hear is her screaming crying.I contemplate going into the room and asking what's going on.But I have noticed Emery has been neglected and me coming in there would just bring attention to me so I decide to head to the kitchen and make a bowl of frosted flakes.After a few minutes I start to get a bit worried but I'm put at ease when my mom walks out of the room.I see her wiping her tears away and sniffling."Hey mom are you okay?"I walk over to her.We're about the same height because I have my dad's height.

"I'm fine."She sniffles and walks to pass me to the kitchen.

"Are you done with this?"She asks gesturing to my cereal bowl.I nod my head yes.I walk over to her and see her washing my dish and putting it into the dish washer.

"Mom is Emery okay?"I ask.She looks at me and cups my cheek.She smiles at me clearly holding back her tears.

"If I'm being honest no she is not."She pauses for a second."But she will be.You know why?"She reaches for my hand."Because she has Your father,You and I."She pulls me into a hug and caresses my hair "I love you Auden."

"I love you mom."We don't like saying too because well actually I don't know why its just something we have never done.

"Okay well can you walk to school today?"She asks."It's just that I need to be with Emery right now buddy.I'll make it up to you.We ca-"

"No it's fine.I'll just walk.Thanks mom."I kiss her on the cheek.She's a little surprised but after she collects herself she smiles at my gesture.What can I say I've always been a momma's boy.

           I begin walking to school.This morning I picked my bow tie and dress shirt with kaki pants.I know I probably look like such a nerd but I just have always dressed this.When I get to school I don't see Joseph or Danny so I just sit down and open pride and prejudice.This has always been my favorite book.My Dad ,my mom and me have gotten into multiple disputes about the topic at the dinner table.Emery never joined in she always just awkwardly played with her food and most of the time dismissed herself from the room.Nobody ever noticed but me and yet I never asked her back.

      I'm snapped out of my thoughts by  two really big kids walk over to me.I am assume they are eight graders because of how big they are and also I haven't seen them in any of my classes or in 6th grade lunch hour."Hey Auden."One of them says while putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Watch ya reading there is it one of those famous coming out stories.You finding inspiration for how you're gonna do it."The other says.

"What?"What do they mean coming out story?

"Come on fag spray some fairy dust."Oh

"I-I'm not."I stutter.How could they think I'm gay?I mean I know I've never had a girlfriend and I've never really been attracted to girls but I'm not gay.No.No.No I'm not gay.

"Come on fag get up."The big one who first talked to me pushes me out of my chair and I fall to the ground.They lean into me and I brace my self for one big punch but then I see Danny come over.

"Get the fuck away from him!"He pulls them away from me and punches the big one.But then they punch him back and he falls over.

"Danny."I call.I go over to him and comfort him.

"Oh look at these couple of fags over here."They laugh and everyone just looks at them in disgust.

"We're in a different time.Even if we were gay nobody would care only you two boneheads."They go in for another but Danny with his bloody noise and bruising cheek tries to sit up but I push him down.

"I-If you idiots take one more step.I'll end you."He says.I feel butterfly's  in my stomach.

"You okay Auden?"He asks softly once those two idiots are gone.

"I-I'm fine."I pull him to stand up and we just stare at each other for a second.I never noticed his eyes.There hazel but when the light hits them just right they have a hint of green.I see his lips part and I see him lean in too kiss me.I go in but the bell rings and stops us.He just awkwardly walks away form me leaving me wondering what the hell just happend?The day goes by pretty normal apart from the fact that there is no sign of Danny anywhere.I start to get worried so when my last class of the day, Math, finishes I head out to find Joseph.I see him talking to some girls I don't recognize so I just wait for them to finish talking.Once they have stopped I pull Joseph aside and he looks at me like I have two heads.I wouldn't put that fact past me tho cause my brain and these feelings have been so weird lately.

"Have you seen Danny?"I ask.

"Yea I have.Umm Auden he's a bit busy and he told me he needed to cancel on your plans after school."He says nervously.I look down feeling somewhat defeated and I have no idea why.I like to have control over things ,my dad says I get that from my mom, but these feelings are confusing and I only ever seem to feel them around Danny.

"Umm okay."Joseph then walks away but not before pausing and turning around.

"And Auden."He takes a step closer to me."If you ever feel a certain way you can always tell me I'm here for you bro."

"Um okay."I pause."Bro"I awkwardly add.He walks away from me leaving me with my thoughts.What does he mean feel a certain way and why did those kids think I was gay?I'm not gay I just haven't ever had a crush on a girl before and just because I noticed the color of some kids eyes doesn't mean anything.Yea.Just haven't found the right person yet.

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