First Days:Tessa

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       After my very eventful morning with my daughter Emery I decide that some coffee on the way to work wouldn't be so bad.As I drive to the drive thru Starbucks near my new office for my wedding planning business I can't help but worry about Emery.Auden seems to have everything so figured out and I can tell he is going somewhere.But when I look at Emery all I see is a big question mark.Ever since she reached teenage years she has been so blocked off from the world.When I started realizing this fact I decided I need to be a little extra hard on her,Hardin of course protests this because he wants Emery to have everything and never wants her to grow up.But I understand the reality and the reality is Emery is 14 starting high school and has no direction what's so ever.Her waking up by herself in the morning is just me trying to make her punctual.She just has this constant need to make it seem like every single thing I do is to annoy or hurt her.But in reality I'm just concerned for my daughter's future.I go up to the receiver and order my vanilla iced coffee with no sugar.After reacting my drink I head for my new office for my business .I have been trying to get this place for about 3 months now.Hardin has been super supportive through all of this which just makes me love him that much more.

Once I reach the building I am beyond impressed by the way it looks."Young's Wedding Planning"has a nice ring to it.I know its weird for Hardin and I to not even be married and we have children but after everything Hardin and I have been through we don't need a certificate to justify the fact that we love each other.Hardin however does not agree with this fact in the slightest he has been asking me to marry him ever since for a while know even before Emery and of course I want to just not right at this moment.

When I walk into the building I am blown away by Shonda's ,my assistant, decorations.She did an incredible job and I love the modern feel to it.When I walk up to the desk I see Shonda behind it and I also see that she has a cake which says "Congrats Ma'am"I love the cake but I told her to stop calling me ma'am it makes me feel older than the stretch marks from Auden do.Hardin protests this and always says that I look the exact same that I did when I was 18 but the fact that my jeans from them don't fit prove otherwise

I thank Shonda for the nice gesture and head to my office and am amazed.It reminds my one at Vance back in Washington.Washington may have a bucket load of bad memories Vance was not one.I loved working there and sometimes miss it.But not as much as I love wedding planning so I can get over it.

Once I finish up with the opening and at work I begin packing up my stuff.As I head for the door with purse in hand I hear my phone ring.I reach into my purse thinking its Hardin but when I see its Emery's school I already know what is to come.

"Hello is this miss young?"The man on the other end of the receiver asks.

"Yes it is.May I ask who is this?"

"It's Principle Seth, the principle of your daughter's school.Anyway I'm here with Emery and she has gotten into a fight.Her cheek is getting bruised up and I was wondering if you and Emery's father could come over so we could discuss the situation."I sigh feeling disappointed in Emery.After I hang up the phone I call Hardin and feel myself getting angrier with my trouble maker of a daughter.What the hell is wrong with her?I'm gonna give her fucking hell when I see her.

"Hardin Emery got in a fucking fight and I need you to get your ass over to her school.I'm so pissed at her ugh I can't believe she would do this."I express exasperated with my daughter.Hardin stays silent on the other end and I begin to get worried.


"Tessa I can believe she would do this.We have been neglecting her.All we do i-"

I interrupt him not being able to bear the fact that this man I'm in love with would have the audacity to say I neglect my daughter "Hardin mother fucking Scott!I do not neglect my fucking daughter.She is a moody and a little brat!Were go-"I am interrupted by him and what he sends next sends chills down my body.

"Tessa would you listen yourself?!You sound like your mother!Did you even notice you didn't tell Emery you love her?What's Emery's favorite music?"He questions.

"The fre-"I say with confidence but I am blown away but the fact that he reminds me with its not and I realize I am the worst mother in the entire world.Hardin tries to comfort me through the phone when I begin to cry and once he realizes I'm calm he hangs up.I drive to the school and see Hardin saying thank you to the Uber that brought him.We walk into the school and are lead to the principles office by someone at the front desk.Even tho I envisioned myself doing this Hardin is the one that goes off on Emery.I calm him down not wanting to upset my daughter anymore than I know I already have.Once everyone is calm we all take our seats and I listen intently on the principles explanation of why Emery was in a fight.He explains to me that some girl poured food and water on Emery and thats what provoked the fight.When I look over at Emery I notice her hair is wet but there is no food on her clothes.Weird.The thought escapes my mind when I see her cheek which is bruising already.

Im snapped out of my thoughts when her principle asks "Would you like to take her home?"I decline and explain that we will speak with her when we get home.When we walk out Hardin grabs Emery's wrist and pushes her against the wall and tells her in a voice so cold I got chills to be home by 6:30.

The drive to the car is silent.Once we reach the door and enter the apartment I am flushed with this wave of emotions I didn't realize I was holding in until I got home and I begun to breakdown.Hardin being the amazing person who is comforted me until I calmed down.We then laid on the coach and watched some shows on Netflix.When I see my son come home I see him and he looks a bit flushed even.I wonder if he met a girl I decide not to question it though because when I look at the clock I see Emery is late and I really want to talk to her.But to pass the time Auden decides to show us his new set on the tuba and in the middle of it Emery comes home with tear stained cheeks however one cheek has a bruise and the other a slap mark that definitely was not there when we visited her earlier today.I run after her screaming her name and I can feel myself sobbing I need to speak to her.I need to make this better.I don't want her to resent me like I did my mother.I don't want to go to the point of slapping my daughter like my mother once did in the heat of an argument.But when I hear the faucet turn on any hope of seeing her tonight is diminished.I almost want to just go into my room and cry but when ur mother of 2 you can't just do that.I feed Auden and Hardin and we have a silent dinner mostly because Hardin and I are on edge about Emery and I think Auden might have a crush.But im too exhausted right now to discuss that with my son.

I head to bed and cuddle with Hardin but Emery just won't leave my mind so I decide to express it to her father."Hardin?"

"Yes babe?"He looks down at me.

"What are we gonna do with Emery?Did you see that slap mark I'm really worried and she was crying ugh."I say clearly flustered.

I sense that he caught on to my agitation when he says "I know baby I know.How about this tomorrow we take the day off along with Emery and we just talk to her.And if that doesn't work we could always go through her phone."He says the last part with amusement in his eyes and I can't help but giggle at the thought.Emery would totally freak.With thoughts of my gorgeous blond green eyed daughter in my head and my once brooding boy holding I am fast asleep dreaming of both there green piercing eyes and the sky blue ones of a raven haired little boy.

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