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            No one understands the meaning of fear.Until we feel it.When I heard that ear piercing scream I'm instantly brought back to when Tess had a nightmare about her father.I will never forget the fear that day brought and how I wanted to comfort her so bad but because I was a fuck up I couldn't.The only difference between then and now is that I would never hurt Tess the way I did now and the ear piercing scream is coming from my daughter.Never did I think I would have to go through this again.But here I am, going through it again.I run to my daughter's room along with Tessa.Once I get there and I take a second to look at my daughter who is crying in her sleep.I realize what she screamed."No.Noah please stop.You said you wouldn't do this again."

Questions instantly flood my mind about what she yelled like "Who the fuck is Noah?","Why the fuck is my daughter screaming his name?"'What the fuck does she mean "wouldn't do this again"?,"What the fuck did he do to her that she is having these nightmares?"and most importantly "Why the fuck is my little girl talking with boys who give her nightmares?"I swear to god when I found out who that boy is and what he did I'm gonna fucking-.

Im snapped out of my thoughts by another scream that breaks my heart and it comes from Emery "No!No help!".She wakes up and her face is pale and she looks so scared.When she sees her mother and in her room I can see she's panicking.

"Emery what's wrong?"Tess asks.

"Nothing I'm...I'm fine."She says while wiping her tears away.

"Emery be honest with us."I say pleading for my daughter to tell me what the fuck is going on.

"I'm fine dad and anyway I'm gonna be late for school.She gets up and heads for the bathroom as if nothing happened.

"Your not going to school today.Your mother and I want you to stay here so we can talk to you."I say following her to the doorway of her bathroom where I see her taking her hair out of a top knot.

"Why?"Emery asks.

"Well because we know we haven't been there for you lately Emery and we're sorry.We just want to spend time with you more.Your our daughter and we love you."Tessa says, clearly trying to hold back her tears.

"You want to spend time with me?"Emery laughs."No you don't.Poor little Emery had a nightmare so now you want to comfort her.Well save your sympathy because I'm fine."She continues clearly holding back her tears.

"We just wanna be there for you Em."I try to say but Emery is not having it.

"You wanna be there for me?The only person who has ever been there for me is Addy and sometimes I don't even have her because I don't think she deserves to have my baggage.Addy has become my family because you haven't been there!I had to do everything alone because you cared so much about the star pupil kiss ass of the month Auden.To even take a glance at me.So go just go!"She yells with a sob.When I look over at Tess I see she's crying and I know I am too.I reach for my daughter but she just screams but I just hold her tighter.She's actually pretty strong for some reason but not strong enough to break my hug.She finally gives up and sobs into my chest.

"Shh.Shh.Its gonna be okay."I say into my daughters blond hair that mimics her mothers.Tessa comes into comfort Emery and we just stay there for a moment.

Emery pulls away and wipes her tears away."Thank you but I'm fine now."

"Emery I'm sorry baby."Tessa says and hugs Emery.Tessa pulls away and sniffles "We'll talk more after Auden's at school and we'll figure out everything okay?No more secrets and no more lies."Emery nods.

"Go handle Auden Tess I'm gonna stay here with Em."Tessa nods and heads outside and I'm left with my daughter.She reaches for her phone and I see her scrolling through messages.Then I hear her mutter "No.No.No.No.No."

"Emery what's wrong?"I go over to her.

Th-This can't be happening."She mutters under her breathe and then she begins to hyperventilate.

"I-I cant breathe."She says.I look into her eyes and see tears down her face.

"Emery just breathe in and out."

"I-I can't."She stutters.

"Calm down baby.Just come here and breathe.Okay?Breathe."I pull her into a hug and caress her hair.Her breathing normalizes.She pulls away from the hug and I cup her cheek and wipe her tears away.

"Okay baby now tell me what's going on?"I sit on her bed.Tessa walks in and sits down next to me.

"Please don't be mad at me."Emery says all most a whisper.Tears form in her eyes.

"Its fine just be honest with us."Tess says.

"Well.Last year in about February a kid named Noah Evans asked me to go to prom with him and be his girlfriend."She gulps.Evans?Damm that name must follow me everywhere I go.

"And I said yes."I almost get up but Tessa squeezes my hand and it calms me.Always has and always will.

"At first it went really well but then he get...aggressive."Her voice cracks and my heart breaks but then all I can see is red.

"What do you mean aggressive?"I say in a low voice trying to keep my cool.

"He started grabbing my wrist really tight and then after a fight over me wearing a tank top to school he hit me."I take a deep breathe knowing that I'm gonna break a fucking wall.

"He said he wouldn't do it again but he did.He always told me I couldn't tell anyone because nobody would love me like he did and that I was a worthless ugly whore that only he would ever be attracted to."She says with a cry.I stand up but she pushes my shoulders to sit me back down.

"I'm not done.The slap mark you saw on my face when I came home last night was from him.He got mad at me because umm I got into a fight with that girl."She sounds off but thats probably because she is telling her mother fucking abuse story.I let this happen.I didn't protect my daughter and now this fucking happened.Wait.

"Wait.What happened on your phone?"I ask trying to keep my cool.

"Someone had recorded the video of me getting slapped  by him and now its all over snapchat, instagram and twitter with the trending tag "ScottGetsSlapped".Everyone knows now."She cries.I check my phone and see she's right.It just made TMZ with the title "Famous Author Hardin Scott's Daughter Gets Hit By A Man".I see also I have a bunch of emails from my publicists about it but I don't care.Because when I look at my broken tear eyed daughter in front of me all I can think about is who put her there and that makes me so fucking pissed.Luckily I have therapy so I won't be going to beat his ass like I once would but I sure as hell ain't letting this stand.I'm going to that mother fucking school and I'm gonna having a fucking word with that little fuckers parents.

"Emery,Tess lets get in the car."

"What?"Em croaks.Tess just looks determined with her queen bitch look and I know she's ready to give that fucker hell too.

"Em just get in the car I don't want to leave you alone."She looks down at herself I see she's wearing shorts and a big t-shirt that says "IM TIRED!".

"But I'm only wearing this."She says gesturing to her shirt.

"It's fine just put on your slides and get in the car."She nods her head and does what I asks.We all get in the car and I'm so fucking ready to do this shit.Nobody touches my girls.Nobody.

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