Adult Problems,Kid Situations-Emery

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           I look at myself in the mirror and I can't see it,I can't see me being a stripper.The red outfit I have on feels so weird and just looking at the heels they have set for me is making me nauseous,this is what happens when you decide to ditch your parents and go for the adult life.I grab the make up off the kitchen, if you can call it a kitchen, counter of the trailer.The bathroom doesn't have a sink which means no mirror, so I'm forced to use my phone.I don't really know why my cellular data hasn't cut off,I mean like I no longer associate myself with my parents so I'm kinda just waiting for them to stop paying my phone bill.

I decide to do a smokey eye and add some red lipstick.My hair is in a pony tail and it just doesn't look right. Everything looks loose and hot, and then there is my hair that is slicked back and put together, with the pink tips sticking out at the end.I let my hair loose and push it to one side,I kind of miss the blond in a way.After Lily handing my ass to me at school yesterday,I just feel like I should go back,I keep acting like this is who I am now and I'm okay when I'm not.But then again I can only really trust Auden to express these feelings toward.

I then hear a knock on the door and I start freaking out.I'm literally in a a bikini, with fishnets and I was about to put on the red stripper heals.I slide on the pink skirt I was planning on wearing over the outfit, along with the blue colored button up shirt.The knocking sounds again but this time more of a pounding with urgency.I button up the shirt, missing one by the time I open the door.I mean nobody really knows where I am so who could it be?

Auden.That's who it could be, holy shit!"Emery."He lets out a breathe wrapping his arms around me.He lets go off me, walking around me pacing and running his hands through this hair.

"Emery.I'm freaking out here.I'm so worried about Danny!"He exclaims running his fingers through his hair.As he paces frantically,I take a little moment to finish butting up my shirt making my scandalous outfit beneath invisible to him.

"Okay Auden calm down, what's going on with Danny?Just-Just sit down okay?"I say softly trying to calm him.I place my hands on his shoulders and sit him down on my head.He takes a deep breathe, letting out a long breathe."Now.Tell me what's wrong and calmly."I eventuate the last part with a scold.

"Danny and I got into this huge fight because I answered his phone while he was in the bathroom after I touched his...private area."He somehow manages to choke out the word 'private area' through all his uncomfortableness.I don't get it just say penis.

"You touched his dick?Auden you touched a boys dick."I exclaim.My baby brother just had his first groping session,I'm so proud.Uncle smith would be proud too.I laugh at the thought.

"Emery, not the point."He scowls at me as I continue laughing.

"I know.I know.I'm sorry."I let out a long sigh, trying to stop my laughter with my hand on my chest, taking deep breathes.Finally,I manage to compose myself and let out one last long sigh."Okay.Continue."

"He went into the bathroom and then his phone started ring so I answered it.It was this guy that was saying something about Danny needing to go to some place and handling something, all I could think of saying that Danny was in the bathroom and I was his friend,Auden.Then he got mad and just drop me off at home and I haven't heard from him since."He buries his head in hands before running his fingers through his hair."I just don't know what to do Emery.I'm so worried about him and I haven't heard for him since last night, it's stressing me out.He didn't even come to school today Emery."He rubs his temples.

"Look Auden ,I know you're like in love with him and not seeing him for a while is stressing you out but you need to calm down okay?I'm sure Danny just needed some time to cool off."I put my arm around him and rub his shoulder.

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