New Beginnings:Auden

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        I wake up early the next morning as always.I begin getting dressed I decide today I will wait my navy blue tie, my light blue dress shirt, khaki pants, black dress shoes,and my navy blue cardigan on top.I put some gel in my hair to smooth it to the side.I look in the mirror and analyze every aspect of myself I want to see what made those kids think I was gay.They don't know who I am so it can't be my personality the only thing they saw I dress.I immediately throw off all this stuff at the realization that my preppy clothes make me look gay and I'm not so.I go into my closet to see a white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans with the tag still on it.My dad had bought me these for school but I had no intention of wearing them because they just weren't my style.But then again back then my style wasn't considered gay, nerdy yes, but not gay.I change into outfit and notice how I odd I look I notice my hair is still combed up so I ruff it up a bit to the point where it is spiky . I notice there is something missing from this look but I can't put my finger on it but when I hear my dad's voice I realize its a leather jacket.

I sneak into Emery's room knowing that she has it and to my luck she is passed out asleep and she is a really heavy sleeper so this shouldn't be too hard.I tip toe to get her jacket when I hear a big snort and realize it was just her snor. I  look over at my sister and see her hair in a messy bun and she has drool all over the side of her face.Ew.I quickly grab the jacket and run out when I hear my mom say that Emery needs to wake up.

Once I put on the jacket and slide on my converse.I look at myself in the mirror and I don't even know who this punk is that I'm looking at.Perfect.

I walk out of my room and see my mom making some eggs."Hello Mom-.I mean what's up mom."My mom gives me a weird look and hands me a plate with eggs.

"Sup Auden."She says slowly still looking at me like I'm a science experiment.

"Like the new outfit bud."My dad says and kisses my head.I shrug him off and he and my mom share a confused look.I sit down to eat when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.I reach in to check who it was and see a message from Danny it says "I'm outside."What?

"I gotta go.Bye."I say and run outside.I see Danny in the lobby of my apartment complex and he looks at me and raises a brow.I shrug him off not wanting to telling the boy I shared my first kiss with the reason I'm dressing so differently is because I don't want people to think I'm guy.

"You look umm different."He says confused.

"Well maybe I am different."I say dryly.He kisses me and then runs away and yells at me.I don't need to be nice to him.

"Okay.Why though?You're perfect the way you are."He pauses realizing what he just said."Bro."He continues and punches me in the shoulder laughing uncomfortably.We begin walking to school and our hands keep grazing each other.I look down and he does the same and smiles at me.I dart away from his glare.

"Auden about yesterday-"

"Dont."I interrupt him.After a few more minutes of walking in silence we reach the school where I see Sam.Everyone looks at me as I run to her and she well she just stares at me like I'm eye candy.

"Hey Sam."I say and she laughs.

"Hey Auden."She squeaks.Cute.

"So I was thinking what if me and you catch a movie this Friday night?"I say.I then notice my band mates are right there listening in.

"But Auden we have a band showcase that day."George, a kid from my band class says.

"Well good thing I quit then."I smile and he gives me a shocked expression.

"So babe what ya think?"I say putting my arm around her.

"I-I'm in Auden."She giggles.The bell rings and she kisses my cheek and runs away giggling.Cute.

I turn around to start heading to my class but am stopped by when mad looking Danny."What was that Auden?What's going on with you?"He asks.

"Nothing what's going on with you bro?"I ask not wanting an answer so I just walk around him and shove his shoulder.Leaving him standing alone clearly shocked at my bold move.The rest of the day is filled with looks from girls giggling and high fives from people who didn't even know I existed.But no Danny anywhere can't say I'm too sad about that.

I reach my apartment door to find a Danny on his knees crying in front of the door."Danny what's wrong?"I ask.He looks up at me with bloodshot eyes and grabs my face smashing his lips to mine.At first I try to resist but when he pulls away looking into my eyes he says "Please."His voice breaks along with my heart.I pull him inside and put our lips back together.I fall back onto the coach and bring him along with me and then I hear something hit the ground and a gasp.I look past Danny to see my mother staring at me with blown out pupils and a gaping wide open mouth.Holy shit.

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