New Beggings:Tessa

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"You watch i-?!"Steph comebacks but is immediately stopped in her track at the sight of Molly and I.Her lips turn into a evil sinister grin that seems to fit this evil sinister girl perfectly.

"Oh look what we have here.Damm I never thought I'd see the day.Molly Samuels and Tessa Young next to each other and not fighting oh this is great."Her head falls back in sinister laughter.I give her a disgusted look.I take a second to really look at her and she looks horrible.Her make up is all smudged,her red hair is frizzy and in knots,and her outfit is bunched up shorts and a tube top.I guess some things never change.

"Oh by the way Tessa I saw your daughter on the news yesterday.What a crying little bitch like mother like daughter I guess." She says sinisterly.

"Well I see you haven't change one bit since college."I scoff and Molly and I walk past her to continuing our walk to the restaurant.

"Well maybe I haven't changed but you certainly haven't either.Still the same prudish little bitch from college."Steph says and I turn around and get up close in personal with this bitch.

"Hardin wasn't saying that this morning when he fucked me so hard I could barely get out of bed to put this dress on to go to my job."I smirk.Steph mouth is left hanging open and so is Molly's but once I walk up to her she begins laughing and puts her arm around me.

"Shit Tessa you really gave it to her."We both laugh at Steph still shocked expression and continue walking to the restaurant.When I open the door the reservation lady asks "Welcome to Outlook do you have a reservation?"The host asks us.Molly looks at me and I smirk at her.I look up and right on time I see Nora ,Landon's wife, come out and she says to the host "She's with me."

She greets Molly and I with a hug and I can tell Molly feels very uncomfortable I give her a smile and it seems to set her at ease.Nora walks us to our special spot which we had established would be ours when I had been working here as a waitress.She goes to the kitchen and comes back out only a few minutes later in a blank tank top and jeans."I told them I was taking my lunch break."She informs us and I nod.

"Let's order."She says.

"I've never been here before."Molly says.

"What?"Nora and I say at the same time we look at each other and laugh at our synchronization.

"It's fine Molly.Nora is a chef here so she'll no exactly what to order."I say and she calms.Since when did she become so angsty?

Nora orders for both of us the chicken pasta and it gets her in about 10 minutes and no shocker here it taste delicious.I can tell by the look on Molly's face as she shoves the pasta into her mouth she agrees with me.

"So Tess Addy came home so freaked out yesterday because Emery didn't come to school and then she saw the news.She would not stop texting Emery.But for real Tessa is she okay?"Nora asks clearly worried about her niece.

"She's getting to fine Nora.I think just opening up about it really helped her."I say and give Nora a reassuring nod.

"I had no idea she was going through something like that.I mean now that I think about it every time I saw her she would be wearing things to cover her arms and legs and she never really talked.She also always wore her hair down to most likely cover the you know bruises."Nora says and I agree with her because what she is saying is so true.I didn't notice the signs that Emery was going through this until it was too late.

"I don't mean to be nosy Tessa but what exactly did happen to Emery?"She asks I look at her confused.

"You didn't know?"I ask.She shakes her head,no.

"Okay."I say awkwardly I then go into a full detailed explanation as to what happens to my daughter.Molly gives me a big hug and tells me how sorry she is that Emery had to go through that.

"I never understood how horrible it all was until I become a Mom."She says and I nod agreeing with her.We change the subject to Mom talk and stuff like that.Once we all finish eating and gossiping we all pay our side of the check and I say goodbye to Molly and Nora and head back to my office.

The rest of my work day is spent writing down plans for Molly's wedding and trying to decide a date that fits with everything she is looking for.Once I look at the clock I see it's 3 which means my work day is over.I say goodbye to Shonda and begin heading home.Today Emery has practice so Hardin said he would pick her up and Auden had texted me sometime through out my dad that a friend would be over to work on a project so when I got home I expected a friend.I just didn't expect for that friends to be a boy making out with my son on my coach shirtless.

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