1 month...-Emery

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1 month of being made to feel crazy.1 month of being mentally and physically abused.Finally,1 month of getting angrier and angrier with every second. I lost everything and nobody seems to realize that.I can't go back now.If I'm gonna loose everything,I'm gonna loose everything.

I got some free time out of the asylum and I spent those time as weird as it may sound,watching my friends cause seeing my family was to depressing to bear. Every time I saw them all I felt was week.I say Addy getting closer with Jake.I saw Caleb and Trina fighting.I saw Trinity looking around trying to see what's going on.I saw Lily brooding around, alone funny enough.The talent show is coming up soon though and I have no idea what I'm gonna do about that.

In that brief time outside of my cage as I would call it,I also found myself at a strip club.I knew that second I was taken away there was no way I was living with my parents.I needed money because I had no family left, aside from Auden of course but I would never ask or expect him to help me with money at 11 years old.My mindset in this decision was that I have strength from cheer and my body is decent enough.I will have to put some make up to cover the burns and bruises but I will do it.

I also found a little trailer where I am currently staying at now.I'm getting ready for school, the same school where my ex-best friend who fucked me over is gonna be there.It was always supposed to be me and her over everything. Clearly, she didn't feel the same.

After putting on my black beanie, black and white stripped sweatshirt, and a jean jacket without the sleeves over it.I put on a black skirt, with blank fishnets and knee high boots.I look at my cheer uniform and for a second, just a second I thought why don't I just put it on and be the old Emery.But the old Emery thought her parents loved her which just makes her naive and stupid.I'm not naive and stupid anymore so I'm not gonna act like it.

Plus,I don't think I can cheer and be a stripper.God if anyone found out I was a stripper,I would die.I look at the time and see that if I don't start my very much neglected walk to school then I'm gonna be late.


I walk into school and immediately all eyes are on me.I ignore them all with a roll of my eyes.I finally make it to my locker and as I'm taking out my books I can feel a body mass around me."Emery!Where the hell have you been for the past month?"Caleb says from behind me.

"Somewhere you weren't."I scoff and roll my eyes."You can stop acting like you care."

"I'm not acting Emery.I care about you.I care about you a lot.I have since elementary school."

"You have a girlfriend."

"Trina?I don't care about her, you know that."

"I do and I also know that I don't care about you."

"Emery.That's not true and you know it.I was worried about you so much, not a day went by.Trina and I fought every day about it."

"I'm happy I keep you up at night,I haven't given you a single thought since I left.Now move out of my way before I break your dick."I push him out of my way and walk to class.

I'm in my 4th period right now just waiting for the bell to ring so I can go to lunch.Who would I even sit with?I don't know really but I don't think I have the energy to care.I guess being sent to an asylum will do that to a person.

"May I use the bathroom miss?"I rasp.My voice has gotten so much raspier and deep ever since I started smoking.I guess it's just part of the whole act.The act that I'm okay and being sent to an asylum doesn't affect me as much as it actually does.

"Yes Emery."She says and I walk out.When I'm in the bathroom,I find a girl getting her head flushed down the toilet.What kind of cliche high school movie scenario did I just walk into?

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