New Beginnings:Emery

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"Emery what was that?"Addy asks as she pulls me up from where I was sitting.I'm still in shock from what I did with Caleb.I can not believe I told him he was hot and basically told him he could date me if he wanted too.

"I umm I have no idea."I say.

"Emery Scott are you nervous?"Addy asks with a smile.She has known me my entire life and I have never stuttered or shown any sign of nervousness.

"What?No.Your the one who's nervous.I saw you with that Jake kid."I say.Her checks go bright red and I put cross my arms over my chest, purse my lips and raise a brow at her.

"W-what?Oh my god Emery as if."She replies with a scoff.I roll my eyes.

"You sure?"I raise a brow with a smirk.

"Okay maybe I like him a bit.Don't tell anyone."She says frantically.

"Oh Addy I won't tell anyone anything but I will tell you something.I knew it!"I yell laughing at her.

"Oh but for real when is the wedding?"I say laughing and she punches my shoulder playfully and we walk to our next class.The rest of the day is filled with the usual which is pretty much dumb classes that teach me nothing that I will ever use in life and me teasing Addy about everything but today I got a new topic which is Jake.Insert fake romantic sigh.Addy is so whipped for this guy its astonishing.I just have one concern he better not break her heart or I might break one of his nuts.

Since the day has now ended I head to the girls locker room and change into my practice clothes which is  a sports bra and shorts.We head to the school gym and we begin doing our team stretch but as a flyer I need a bit more so I call my favorite back spot Lauren to come stretch me.

"Lauren!Stretch me please."I say.

"Of course Em."She says with a smile.I stand in front of her my back facing her and reach back to wrap my arms around her waist.She pulls both my right leg and left leg straight up.I then turn around and wrap my arms around her waist again and she pulls my legs up, stretching my back.Once Lauren and I finish up our coach calls us all over.

"Okay Ladies today we're just gonna be working on some stuns and maybe some cheers.The basketball team is gonna be here practicing too so thats why I decided that today would be a good day to practice for games and stuff.In regards to showcase its November 15th on a Saturday I sent the address in the group chat already and thats about it.So lady's spot around and someone go first."Our coach says.

"Emery."Everyone says at the same time and we all laugh.

"Jesus you don't have to beg."I say jokingly and they all laugh again.I walk to the center of the circle and my two bases Sarah and Maria come in and then of course my tall ass backspot Lauren comes along to.

"Coach can we warm up our basket first?"I ask.

"Yea go ahead."She says with a warm smile.

"Okay so set one, jump in three, dip five, straight ride seven ,catch one okay?"I ask.They all nod in agreement and we do just that.Once I'm in the air it feels amazing but the thing about amazing things is gravity always pulls you back down and thats exactly what happend here.I feel Sarah and Maria catch me and I jump out and smile.

"Okay I think we can do the kick full.Are you guys up for it?"I ask.They all nod and I smile.

"Coach can we do our kick full please?"I ask.

"Yea just wait I wanna record."She says and I smile.

"Okay go.Same counts as the straight ride just kick and spin instead of just pulling up.Remember to keep your hallow body Em and ladies on the bottom control and absorb her when you catch."Coach says and we all nod.

"You got this Emery!"I hear someone yell and I lift my head to realize it's Caleb.He's wearing a tank top and basketball shorts and is practicing with the team.He's on the basketball team?God thats hot.I smile and give him an appreciative nod.

They throw me in the air and I kick and spin at my hardest.I accidentally spin twice,I have never pulled one that hard.Shit.When I land everyone starts cheering and my coach jumps up and hugs me so tight.All the basketball players and there coaches are clapping.I smile and when my coach shows me the video of me flying in the air I can't help but smile even more.I ask her to send it to me and she does.The rest of the practice is filled with us practicing our cheers for games and practicing some stuns.

"Okay before we go Em can you do your tumbling trick please?"She asks.I smile and nod and walk to the middle of the basketball court.All the players are still here but there on a water break so thats why I am doing this right now.My coach begins recording and tells me to go.So I do my signature trick which is a round off back handspring layout.Once I finish the whole gym claps for me and my coach smiles and immediately sends me that video too.After that I can honestly say I am so tired.Our coach dismisses us so I head for the bleachers and sit down to take a drink of water.Caleb walks over to me with a  smirk and I can't help but feel my cheeks heat up.

"You did really good out there Em.I never knew you were so athletic."He says while I begin packing my back.

"Neither did I if I'm being honest.It took an entire summer of training non stop to get where I am."I say bringing my bag to my shoulder.

"Well it clearly payed off.How do you even do that whole flying in the sky thing without shitting yourself?"He asks and we begin walking together?I guess.

"Well too me it feels like freedom.Like nothing else in the world matters and when you feel the crowd rawr all the fear goes away and its just you and what you're best at."I say.He looks so shocked and gives me a smile which I happily return.

"Shit It's raining."He says when we walk out.I see my dad's car and realize I'm gonna get real wet.

"Yup but my dad's waiting for me and I really gotta go.So bye."I jump hug him and he immediately as if it was a reflex hugs me back.I let go off him realizing what I had just done and feel my cheeks go bright red.

"Well I should get going."I say nervously.

"Wait Em!Take my jacket."He slides off his varsity jacket and puts it on my shoulders.I smile at him and say our finally goodbye.I run to my dad's car and when we get in he immedietly yells at me "What the hell Emery?!"What?

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