Letting it all out...Mostly:Addy

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                  When I got to school I didn't see anyone there so I just sat and waited.This was normal for me considering I am always at least 30 minutes early to every class.My apple watch with all my alarms and my schedule for the next week make sure of that.As I begin to pull out my book I get a text from Jake.Meet me at the bleachers.

On my way.I text back.

I make my way towards the courtyard and naturally I find Jake there.I sit down next to him and say "Hi Jake."

"Hey Addy."

"So what exactly did you want to talk about?"I ask.

"Nothing much just girl problems you know?"Oh "girl problems".

"I um am sorry to hear that."I say trying to keep not show the fact that I can feel my heart bursting into micro beats ,one crack a time.

"Yea so am I.It's just I have been hanging out with Bethra and-"I stop him mid-sentence by bursting into laugher.

"Bertha?As in Bertha Jones?The same evil girl who through salad and salad dressing on Trinity yesterday.What were you doing with her?"I say still recovering form my laughing fit and then it hits me.

"Oh my god."I say under my breathe.

"Bertha Jones is the girl you're having trouble with?!"I ask shocked.

"Um yes but hear me out."

"No Jake that's too much.That girl is horrific did you not hear what she called Trinity just yesterday?She is as manipulative as they come."

"I don't believe that."He says standing up and I follow.

"Jake look I think you're making a horrible mistake.She is a terrible person.The fact that you can't see that just proves my point that she is as manipulative as they come."

"I just wanna see the good in people.Is that so wrong?"He says softly and I sigh.

"No."I cup his cheek."No it's actually quite endearing."I smile and he follows.Our little moment is interrupted by both of our phones dinging.

"It's from our group chat."Jake says and I nod agreeing.We made a group chat to plan hangouts within our group you know Me,Emery,Jake,Lily,Trinity,Nathan,Caleb,all those people.

"It's from Trin she says to meet her at the lockers.She has news."I say.

"We better get going than yea?"He asks and I nod.He reaches his hand out for mine and I grab it.When we reach the others I look at the time and notice Emery should be arriving any minute so I pull my hand away.Jake's eyes dart down to his hand and frowns.I wanna tell him I'm sorry and how much I enjoyed it but thats for another time.

"There you guys are."Trin says hugging both of us and then returning back to her spot next to Nathan.

"Where is everybody else?"Jake asks.

"There own there way they should be here any minute."

"So what's your big news Trin?"I ask.

"Hold on I wanna say it when everyone gets here."Slowly but surely everyone does.Emery being the last one.Predictable.She notices how close me and Jake's hands are and gives me this look that confirms that she will indefinitely be giving me the third degree about it when we're alone.

"Guys we should totally join the talent show!"Trin says excitedly.I immediately hype up as well.I have been in singing and piano lessons since the age of 4.I always wanted Emery to take them with me because I always knew she had an amazing voice and knew a thing or two about the piano but could never get her to do it.

"No"Jake says along with the boys and Lily but I only really care about Jake's response in all honesty.

"What talent show?"Emery asks clearly confused by the whole situation in its entirety.

I decide I should explain to her because she is my best friend and it's like my job to explain stuff to her.Which happens a lot more than you thing.

"I mean I wouldn't mind doing it but what exactly would we even do?"My best friend asks.Lily then goes into a full blown rants about how she isn't doing it and how she is going to be busy going to get a date to our "loser convention" or something.Whatever all I know is the conversation ended with her gone.

"Boys?"Emery asks all of them but really to me seems like she only is asking Caleb.Looks like I get to grill her too in private.Ha.The boys all agree and I couldn't be more excited.Us three girls had to drag the boys over to the sign up sheet and thats when I notice pandora's box.

"Shit."I whine.


"Only duets and shows can join the show."Emery gets closer to the paper and examines it to see if what I'm saying is true and it is.Big shocker there.We then get into this huge long discussion about who is gonna be with who.The only thing really important that came out of that conversation was that I got to be with Jake.I think about how excited I was on the way to my class.I literally tackled him.He's probably gonna think I'm so desperate now shit.My overthinking is brough to haunt when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me dragging me somewhere.

"What?"I ask.

"Shh."I turn around and it's Jake.I immediately quiet down wanting to see where this goes.

"Where we going?"I ask.He leads me to a classroom that says "band"on it and I immediately  cringe.

"Don't worry this isn't it.You'll love it."He then leads me to a dark room in the "band" room.Then he turns on the fairy lights.The room has a bunch of pianos, a coach and even a computer.

"For us to practice M'Lady."

"You did all this just for me?"I ask.

"I mean it was set up anyway I just knew about this room and thought you would like it."He says bashfully.

"I love it."I say with a  smile.

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