Letting it all out...Mostly:Emery

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            After last night's events with Auden our family has seemed even closer than ever.Auden is figuring himself out right now but I know through it all i'm gonna have his back.I leave for school but not before being bombarded with a shit ton of kisses from my parents.Ew.Auden had left for school this morning in his usual dorky attire and I was happy about it.When I saw him with all those dark clothes I was sad because that's not my brother and the fact that he felt like he had to change himself made me really upset.

When I arrive at school I see my supposedly new friend group according to Addelyn Gibson.Once I reach them I immediately take note of how close Jake and Addy are actually.My eyes dart down to there hands and I notice they are brushing over each other.Interesting.

"Guys we have to do the talent show together!"Trinity says.

"No"All the boys and Lily say in unison.

I cock a brow clearly not understanding what they are talking about "What talent show?"

"The school one Em.If you sign up you have to perform on the night of the talent show in the school auditorium."Addy says.

"I mean I am open to the idea but what exactly would we even do?"I ask.

"No what would you guys do.I am not doing this.Besides there is this really hot girl named Elena in my biology class who is right over there.So I'm gonna go get me a date to your loser performance convention bye dorks!"Lily says dismissing us and I can't help but laugh at it.

"Boys?"I ask looking directly at Caleb hoping he will say yes.

"Fine."They all groans and us girls, minus lily, laugh at them.

"Come on guys let's go."I say dragging Caleb.Trinity does the same with Nathan same goes for Addy and Jake.After finally being able to drag the boys to the sign up sheet we noticed something weird about when we get there.

"Shit."Addy whines.

"What?"I ask.

"Only duets and solos can join the show."She says gesturing to the note on the paper that says exactly what Addy just said "Only duets and solos can join the show".

"I mean it's fine right we can just do duets.I mean since Lily ditched us for the chick there's only 6 of us so we can still do it."Trinity says trying to cheer up the group.

"Okay.But who would partner with who?"I ask.

Trinity sighs and after a minute of silence seemily to be because we we're all just trying to figure out what the hell to do Addy mouth spreads into a bright smile and she says "I got it!Okay everyone write your name down on a piece of paper and we can put it in this ziplock bag and we will just randomly pick names."

"You carry a zipblock bag Ads?"I cock a brow at her.

"Yea of course.You never know when you might need it."She says.

I burst into laugher and say "Your such a dork."

"I think it's cute."Jake says.Addy's face turns bright red at his comment and so does his.I wink at her and then cock a brow at him.He just looks away but I know something is up and I have full intentions on finding out what.I mean I need to know if they are dating so I can warn him that if he breaks her heart I will break his nuts.Just like any normal best friend would do.

Once we all put our names in the bag Addy begins to shake it up.After like 2 minutes of shaking I roll my eyes and grab the bag "I think it's mixed Ads."She nods laughing and I just nod at her.

"Okay I will go first then."I say.I reach into the bag and pick a nice when I pull it out I see it says "Caleb".A smile over takes my face and I don't even realize I am just standing there in silence looking at a piece of paper with someones name on it until Trinity says excitedly "Emery who did you get?"

"Oh um I got um Caleb."I say awkwardly laughing.

"Cool."He says smiling rubbing the back of his neck.So cute.

Trinity goes next and non the less she picks out Nathan.I see a huge smile over take her face and Nathan just seems very chill about the whole situation.But the person with the best reaction to they got has got to be Addy.I mean the girl literally jumped up and down and tackled Jake it was so funny.

After we all decide who we're gonna work with the bell rings signaling us to make our way to our classrooms.As I'm walking Caleb comes next to me and asks "Can I walk you to class?"

"I mean sure if you want to."I say seeming to be unaffected by his presence but I so am.

"So we're partners then huh?"He asks.

"Yea were partners I guess."I say.

After a few moments of silence Caleb finally talks by asking me "What song do you think we should do?"

"Oh umm I haven't actually thought about it.What about "Tell me that you love me"?"I ask.

"Yea sounds like a great song."He says nervously.

"Thanks for your yesterday with your jacket and everything."I say.

"Oh it was nothing really any guy would have done that."

"Maybe but not any guy did.You did."I say looking into his eyes.They are a gorgeous hazel so when the light hits them just right they become green not us piercing as mine are but non the less green.

Our moment is interrupted by a shrieking voice "Hey babe."I hear a girl say.I look behind me to find a girl with blond hair and blue eyes running over to us.She is dressed in a school girl outfit and mind you this school has no dress code.

"Um Hey babe."Caleb says uncomfortably.This girl leans in and kisses him on the cheek and my eyes go wide.

"Baby aren't you gonna introduce me to your cheerleader friend?"She says pulling him very close.Okay bitch.

"Oh yes of course.Babe this is Emery,Emery this is my girlfriend Trina Mathews."

"Weird it feels like I have heard that name before."I say.

"It's cause you have.My dad works for your grandfather...Oh I mean one of your grandfathers publishing companies in finance.Your family tree is just so crazy I forget your dad has two fathers you know the one he grew up with who turned out to be a worthless piece of shit drunk and then the other who was a dead beat dad and didn't have the balls to tell your father the truth."She says.

"What did you just say to me?"I ask.

"Nothing just stating the facts your dad's book provided me."She says smiling.

"Well maybe next time states your facts else where and keep them strictly not about my family."I say stomping off.

"Wait Em!"Caleb yells.

"What Caleb?"I say annoyed.

"Nothing just I was wondering if we could work on the talent show project today after school?"He asks.

I almost wanna say no and crack one of his nuts but Addy and Trin want me to do this so I will.Chicks before Dicks.Oh god i'm gonna regret this.

"My place 3:45.Today.Don't be late."I say as dryly as I can.I walk away leaving him dumbfounded.

"Oh and by the way you can have this back."I say grabbing his jacket out of my back pack and shoving it his arms.Leaving him once again with his mouth wide open in complete shock about what I just did.

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