Mistakes We Made-Emery

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"W-What are you doing here?"I stutter.Caleb looks me up and down, taking a big gulp.He nudges Danny slightly, causing him to look up to the ceiling then down again. Basically, anywhere else but me and my body.My body that is only covered by a red two-piece, in other words the clothing of a stripper."Oh.Oh my god."I gush.My cheeks are bright red as I turn around trying to cover, my extremely exposed chest.Only then do I realize that in doing this,I'm exposing my entire ass which causes me to turn around again.

Caleb takes notice of my flustered actions and pulls off his jacket, just like he did that day when it had been raining except this jacket isn't his usual leather-men one, it's all black and leather only.I raise an eyebrow at him but he just lets out a sigh, putting it on for me."Just like old times."He laughs, winking at me.

"I don't think this is anything like old times."I scoff, pulling my hair out from under the jacket, letting the blond with pink tips come out."What are you even doing here?And with Danny anyway?"

"No reason."He deadpans with a shrug rather quickly.

"Okay."I turn my gaze to Danny."And what about you?What the hell are you doing here?Auden has been worried sick about you."

"Wait.Why would Auden be worried about you?"Caleb interrupts looking over at Danny.

"Don't worry about Caleb."Danny replies.I look at him with an arched brow,Danny quickly shakes his head.I make the assumption that Danny doesn't want Caleb, for whatever reason, to know he is hanging out with my brother.This kind of bothers me considering how I know for a fact Auden is in love with him but he is just an 11 year old boy trying to figure out his sexuality so I guess it's okay.

I let out a long sigh and turn my gaze back to Caleb."And how do you know Auden or do you just happen to hang out with all sixth graders outside of school?"I ask, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Well Emery, you were gone for a month so you don't exactly are up to date with everything going on?"He smiles at me.

"Oh really?"I ask, my lips are pursed.

"Yea."He smirks.

"So fill me in then.What exactly has been going on around here."

"Long part or short part?"

"Summarize it."

"Well Scott, your bestie Addy and Jake are not a thing.They haven't confirmed anything but it is more obvious than anything that there is a thing."His words make me so angry that my grip on my fist gets tighter.She gets all this, the happiness and the guy and then I don't even get a family.The universe really does have an odd way of working."Trinity has been worried as hell,Nathan just seems really chill about the whole situation, and Lily just distanced herself from the entire group.She was really angry at the entire situation."

My eyes drop to the floor and I pull my lip in between my teeth."And what about you and Trina?Still together?"

"Is complicated a good enough answer?"He looks at me.

Before I can answer,I am interrupted by another deep voice coming from somewhere in the strip club."Caleb!Get over here!"Someone yells.

Caleb turns his gaze away from me, his mouth agape.He is looking around as if he doesn't know what to do.He gently parts Danny's shoulder."Stay here."He mutters to him.

Caleb begins walking away but I stop him."Hey!Where are you going?"

"I-."He pauses taking in a deep breathe."I just...need to go."


"Emery.Just please trust me."He puts his hand on my arm, caressing it gently.His deep chocolate eyes are staring into mine.

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