Get It Together-Emery

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      The lamp shattered into a million pieces and at the moment I don't give a shit.I grab anything breakable in the living room and break it.I destroyed the shelves where my parents held there books, the picture frames with Auden and I in them, and all the glass that was in the cabinets are now on the floor in a million pieces.I have been crying ever since Caleb left and when I check the time I realize it has been 2 hours.Why the hell am I crying over him anyway when he clearly couldn't give less of a shit about me.I don't care what anyone says I just never though Caleb ,the little sweetheart from kindergarten would bring all that shit up.What the hell happened to him?

I haven't though about it since I had ended it on the news.I avoided all things to do with it because I didn't wanna bring it up.I saw on some serial killer documentary that murders do this.They bottle up all there emotions and then one day they just...snap.What if this is the beginning of my snap?This could be it.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my parents laughing that I can hear from down the hall.Shit, there home.What did I expect though its already 6?I quickly go to pick up the glass from the lap I had thrown earlier on you know before my whole mental breakdown where I questioned my sanity and called myself a murder in the making?Yea that one.

Of course because I am too busy thinking about when I will start my inevitable killing spree I forget you're not supposed to pick up glass with bare hands and cut myself.Just in time for my shit show my parent's come barging in laughing and then they stop and look at me.On the floor crying with a cut on my hand and the living room completely trashed.This is gonna be good.

"Emery."My dad's voice cracks as he looks at me.Why is he crying?Is all this shit really that meaningful?It can't be that meaningful considering he always told my mom how stupid the matching plates were and how ugly the lamp was.Maybe the photos of Auden and I but he's not even looking at that just me with my hand cut open, tears on my face, and a piece of glass in the other.Wait.


"W-What are you doing sweetheart?"My mom slowly steps towards me as if I am some type of virus.

"M-Mom i-it's not what it looks like okay."I drop the shard and my parent's step closer to me.

"I was just.I mean I was just upset okay?So I got mad and I kind of wrecked everything and then I heard you guys laughing so I.I umm went to go try to pick up my mess but I ended up cutting myself because I was thinking of how I'm probably gonna be come a serial killer if I-"

"Serial killer?"My mom gasps.

"I-i mean.I had just realized I was bottling in a lot of stuff and I.I am so sorry."I move my hair out of my face and continue to cry.My dad comes over to me and hugs me.

"I'm sorry."I sob into his chest.

"I know.I know you are."He caresses my hair and kisses my head.I feel so empty right now like there is nothing anymore and no it's not because of Caleb but because even though he did hurt me physically and mentally I loved him and Caleb bringing it up was the cherry on top of the very dark cake that is my life.My dad carries me to my room and lays with me for a second while I continue to cry into his chest.When I fill myself completely run out of tears to cry I just drift off and feel my eyes getting very heavy.

"Hardin!She can't keep acting this way she needs help that we can't give her!"I hear someone yell.

"Tessa she is my daughter I can't just send her away we can try therapy."My dad yells back and that confirms that the voice was my mother.

"We tried therapy.Hardin this isn't like you or me.She was abused, domesticly abused and she is only 14.If we don't give her a physical treatment she will never learn.She is Emery she is very stubborn she will do what you did and just sit there and not say a word."

"Tessa you don't know that.She isn't me and we can do something."

"Hardin we can't force her to talk and if we did she is clever and would probably make up some elaborate story that she is over it just to get out of there."

"Then will keep her there Tessa!"My dad yells back with a crack in his voice.

"She is my daughter I can't let her go please."My dad cries and I walk to the door, close enough that I can hear but far enough so they can't see me.

"I know that but what else can we do?"She asks as she holds my dead while he is on the floor next to the coach crying.I did.I made my father cry because I'm that fucked up.

"I have an idea."He says and I can't even listen anymore.I have a feeling by the end of today I won't be here anymore and I can't seem to feel anything.I'm not happy, sad,or even scared.Just nothing.Maybe it just hasn't registered that I'm leaving everyone I love.I lay in bed fro a while when I hear a creak in the door and see my best friend in the door way looking at me.

"Emery."She sighs and comes over to me.

"What the hell happened?"

"Nothing."I turn away from her and she huffs and walks over to the director where she can see me.

"Move over."She says.


"Move over."I move over and she lays next to me.We stay there for a while before someone knocks at the door and I see a man with a full white uniform come into my room.My parents are holding eachother in the back and Auden looks mortified.I look at Addy and she has tears in her eyes but nods at the guy.He comes in and grabs me and pulls me out of my bed.

"W-what?Dad.Mom.Auden.Addy what's going on?"I ask.As the man pulls me out.

"Emery we love you."My mom says covering her mouth and my eyes water.

"What?What do you mean mom?Dad?"

"I'm so sorry we couldn't save you Emery."My dad says crying.Auden is sobbing and comes over to me.He cups my cheek and wipes my tears away.

"Auden."My voice breaks.He just walks away.I look over to Addy and she just looks away.

"Addy what is going on?"I ask.

"I love you so much Emery.Your gonna be okay I promise."She hugs me and then as she pulls away the guy takes me away.I scream kick and yell and before we reach the door Auden pulls me over to me and screams.

"Let go of my sister!Please don't do this.Don't take her away!"He pulls me.

"Auden!Please help me!"My parents pull him away from me and my dad holds him back.He is yelling and screaming but my parents just caress his hair to calm him.It doesn't work for the man is still yanking at me and I'm still fighting.

"We love you Emery."Is the last thing I hear my parents say before I am being dragged out of my own home.Scratch that old home.

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