Adult Problems,Kid Situations-Hardin

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         I love Tessa.I know I love Tessa.But I just can't right now between my children's problems and my clear problems with Tessa ,I can't right now.I can't handle all of this worrying and stress.I love Tessa more than anything in the world but I love Emery too, she's my daughter and my blood.She and Auden are the most permeant thing I will ever have in my life and my problems with Tessa right now are a perfect example of that.I can't handle Tessa crying but I'm too pissed at her to even look at her without wanting to break a fucking lamp.

Being the new and improved Hardin who has learned that breaking things isn't the best way to handle a situation especially as an adult.I'm not gonna leave her.I could never leave her.But what she did Emery was horrible, that place is bad and I know it is.I promised her one thing when she first came out of Tessa and that was that I would always protect her and I failed.Miserably.


Miraculously,I find myself at the door of my step-brother aka male Tessa.Despite the fact that I believe that Tessa and Landon are literally the same person,Tessa has a lot of underlying flaws that only I could have ever uncovered.She is immature, judgmental,and a control freak, all things that I know that Landon probably doesn't know.

I walk up the steps and knock on the door.I wait a few minutes before hearing some shuffling until he door opens revealing my niece, Addy."Hey Addy."I smile.I have always loved Addy as my own even as a child.Emery and her had the most amazing friendship and were attached at the hip from day one.We have so many pictures of them, there is even one of Emery driving a princess toy car with this serious and concentrated face while Addy is in the passenger sit, laughing with her hands in the air.

"Hey Uncle Hardin."She whisperings looking up at me.Her eyes are slightly less vibrant than they normally are.

"You okay there?"I ask.She lets out a long breathe and clutches the door, tilting her hand down."Should I call your Dad or something?Landon!"I call before she can answer because she really does look like she's about to pass out.

"No!Don't worry dad, everything's fine!"She yells into the house before returning her gaze back to me."I was just...out of breathe is all.No need to call my dad and be all dramatic Hardin."She sighs.

"I was just worried about-"

"You don't need to worry about me!"She yells and I step back, furrowing my eyebrows together.Addy has literally never raised her voice, not ever at least around me.She has always been very respectful,clean,poised and put together.Emery was normally the trouble some one that would be loud, not that respectful, and just over all a mess.But that was my daughter and I love her through all of that.

Landon comes out and looks at me with a concerned expression."What's going on here?Hardin why are you here?"He asks.Addy is looking up at me with a pouted lip and a pleading expression.

"Nothing.Just came here to talk to my brother and ran into my beautiful niece."I pull Addy into my arms and kiss the top of her forehead."We were just catching up, that's all."Addy pulls away, folding her lips over each other and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Okay.Addy why don't you go inside?I have a feeling your uncle and I need to have a conversation, judging by the fact that he's here,willingly,and its not a holiday...and Tessa isn't here."He lightly laughs along with his daughter before gently guiding her into the house.

He turns back to me, sliding his hands into his pockets before raising a brow at me."What's up bro?"

I let out a long sigh and sit on the small stone wall that lines the way up to his house door.I cup my face in my hands and rub my temples slowly."A lot is what's up.I'm so fucking stressed about absolutely everything and I can't even confide in Tessa because I seriously can not stand her right now."

"Wow.Wow.Wow."He holds his hands up confused, taking a seat in the spot beside me."What happened with you and Tessa?You guys haven't fought in literally forever."

"She did something.Something really fucking bad to Emery and now Emery left the house,Auden barely shares a word and I can't even bring myself to look Tessa in the eyes."I run my fingers through my hairs, feeling tears threaten to break from my eyes."I love her,I know I do but right now I just can't.She hurt my daughter, she hurt Emery.My baby.My own flesh and blood."Landon opens his mouth to try to say something but I hold my hand up stopping him."No.I can't tell you exactly what Tessa did just know that it was fucking bad and it costs me my relationship with my children."

"Hardin.Your doing what you did back in college.Only this time you learned how to walk away from a situation."

"What do you mean Landon?What am I doing?"

He looks at me, sidewise and states it as if it's the absolute obvious."Communicate!"He laughs rubbing his temples and groaning."Jesus christ.It's been like over 20 years, you have kids yet you still have absolutely no fucking idea how to communicate.It's unbelievable."He sighs.He puts his hands on his knees, standing up and looking back down at me."Hardin.If you want to fix any of this ,you need to learn how to open your big mouth and talk to each other."He walks into his house making me stand up but before I can even say anything to object to him, he slams the door shut.

"Fuck!"I yell letting out a loud groan followed by a slight sob as I run my fingers through my hair.

My phone starts ringing and I see it's Tessa's phone.I pick it up, wiping my nose and sniffling a little bit."What Tessa?I thought I said,I needed some time.I'm gonna come back soon, Jesus."I wait a moment for her to respond but she never does."Tessa?"

"This isn't Tessa.This is her doctor.She's in the hospital."

Authors Note-

Tessa/Hardin's chapters are gonna be shorter ones because they're stories are over it is mostly about their kids now.I'm gonna be updating like this from now on.What do you guys think of these new long updates?What do you think of the plot for "Adult Problems.Kid Situations"?And what do you wanna see in future chapters?

Make sure to vote, comments,and follow.Love you guys.

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