Adult Problems,Kid Situations-The Scotts

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         Emery-Being a kid is supposed to be easy.Your not supposed to have to deal with anything like weird men paying you for your body.I'm kind of in the middle right now.Your supposed to have problems with boys, which I also have.How do I go from stripper problems to boy problems?

Auden-11 years old aren't supposed to feel this way.Worried about their boyfriend.I'm pretty sure there not even supposed to have boyfriends.I'm not supposed to know whether or not I want a girlfriend or boyfriend.I'm not supposed to worry about stuff like whether or not my lover/boyfriend is getting hurt.It's supposed to be all about learning the ways of teenage life.Yet here we are...

Tessa-Isn't the hard part supposed to be over?Isn't this supposed to be the blissful romance part where we never fight and just love each other until the day we die?Isn't this the time where I have the time of my life with my family, including my children?But it's not.Not at all.

Hardin-I miss my daughter.I miss my son.I miss my girl.I miss my family.I just have this feeling.This feeling that this is only the beginning and the real downfall to this story is just chapters away.

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