New Beginnings:Hardin

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 "What?"She says shocked.

"I saw you talking to that boy and you're wearing his jacket."I say trying to contain my anger.She looks down at herself realizing how bad this looks but quickly recovers.

"Dad he's just a friend and it was raining so he was just being a gentlemen and gave me his jacket.I'm literally in a sports bra and shorts and him being my friend he didn't want me to get cold."She says trying to explain her self.

"You know Em I'm trying really hard here to be supportive but I'm sorry if I get upset at the fact that my daughter is wearing a sports bra and booty shorts."I say calmly.

Her eyes soften and she looks at me with a smile "Dad I'm always gonna be your little girl but I'm growing up and I love this sport with everything in me.This just happens to be the attire I have to wear.I'm doing what I love and it's not sexual unless you sexualize it so don't sexualize it."She says.

I laugh "Yea I guess you got a point there."She laughs along with me.

I pause my laughter and cock a brow at her "But are you any good Em?"

She playfully scoffs "Am I any good?Dad look at this."She pulls out her phone and I begins playing a video.I hear a bunch of girls counting and then see a girl with blond hair that looks a lot like my daughter tossed into the air and then the girl kicks and spins only to be catched . After that the girl pops out of the girls who caught her grasp with a big smile and I see that it is in fact Emery.

"Emery?!What the fuck?Holy shit they just threw you in the air.What?"I ask.She laughs at my surprise.

"Emery are you not like scared of that?I mean they threw you pretty high."I say touching her shoulder.She looks at me weirdly and pulls my hands off her.

"Yea dad I'm fine can you like calm down?I can also do this."She says.

"Theres more than that?"I ask.

"Of course Dad.Cheerleading takes a lot."She says with a smile.She slides her finger across her phone only to reveal another video of a the same girl that got tossed into the air that was revealed to be my daughter.I hear people encoring her to do it.What is she going to do?

My thoughts are answered when Emery does a bunch of tricks and then ends with a  flip.My mouth is literally on the floor.I can not believe my daughter can do all that stuff.She's so talented at it too.

"Emery I can't believe you can do all that."I say looking at her.She gets uncomfortable and shrugs putting her phone back in the sweater she's wearing.

"Your actually really good baby.I can't wait to show mom."I say.The rest of the drive is filled with me gawking my eyes out at my daughter for being that impressive at that sport.I thought cheerleading was just pom poms and short skirts but its clearly so much more.Emery and I arrive home only to be found with Auden and Tessa sitting on the coach both staring at nothing.Auden has tears in his eyes and Tessa just looks shocked.

"What the hell happened?"I ask.

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