Letting it all out...Mostly:Emery

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                By the end of the day I am starting to wish we had practice today but of course the one day I really need it to happen it doesn't.I head straight home not bothering to prepare for Caleb to come over.He doesn't deserve my time or presence let alone me cleaning up for him.All I do is take the sheet of the piano in our living room that dad had put on it.They bought it for Auden but he never used it so I did, when I was home alone of course.It just calms me and I got lost in the music.Feeling free to be who I am with nobody's opinions or judgments.Just me and the notes I play on the piano.

I run my finger along the piano when I hear a knock at the door.I groan knowing what's about to happen.I know it's not that big of a deal but I can't help but feel like I'm being lead to slaughter.I open the door to reveal a very bashful Caleb."Hey"He says nervously at barely a whisper.

I close my door behind him and turn around "Let's get one thing straight.I'm doing with Addy and Trin.Not you.Because believe me if they didn't want this to be a group thing I would have left your ass on the side of the road a long time ago."I say.

"Em..."He begins.

"No don't Em me.You lost that right."I say.

"Why?Because I have a girlfriend.You can't be mad at me for that we're not even together we just became friends again just yesterday.I gave you my jacket so what?I've given my cousin my jacket too it doesn't she get's to throw a tantrum and try to make me feel like shit for having a girlfriend because nothing happened or will ever happen with us, same goes for me and you Emery."He says and I can feel my eyes watering but I refuse to cry in front of this egotistical testoron powered piece of shit that stands in front of me.It's crazy to think that this was the same boy who in elementary school used to bring me chocolates and flowers on Valentine's Day.

"Your a dick."I say at almost a whisper.

"And you're a bitch."He says getting closer.

"You know what shut the hell up!Normally I would kick your ass out for having the balls to speak to me that way but this is for Addy and they will always come before you're ass so let's get to work.Do you know how to play the piano?"I ask grabbing the sheet music.

"Yea sort of but-"

"Great.Here you go.Keep up with me."I interrupt shoving the sheet music in his hands.

He begins playing and once he gets far in off in that means I have to begin signing.Here goes nothing.


(is facing away from caleb,leaning on the piano)

Caleb and Emery:Yea.Yea."

Emery:The situation turned around...

(Emery wipes her tears away her face turned away from Caleb)

Emery:Enough to figure out.That someone else has let you down.

(She looks at Caleb)

Emery and Caleb:So many times I don't know why.

Emery:But I know we can make it.

(Emery turns away and looks down)

Emery:As long as you say.

(she turns to look at Caleb.)

Emery:Tell me that you love me yeah.

(still looking at Caleb but steps closer to him as he sits on the piano)

Emery:Tell me that I take your breathe away and maybe if you take one more.Than I would no for sure there's nothing left to say.Tell me that you love me anyway.Tell me that love me anyway.

(she gets closer)

Emery and Caleb:Ohhh

Emery:Waking up beside yourself

(Emery heads for the seat Caleb's at to sit next to him on the piano)

Emery:But what you feel inside

(Emery sits down text to Caleb)

Emery:Is being shared with someone else.

(She begins playing along with him on the piano and they look at each other.

Caleb and Emery:Nowhere to hide I don't know why.

Emery:But I know we can make it.As long as you say.

(Emery has a big smile)

Emery:So tell me that you love me.Yea.And tell me that I take your breathe away and maybe if we take one more than I would no for sure there's nothing left to say.So tell me that you love me anyway.

Emery:Show me look what we found

Caleb and Emery:Turn it around every day.now I know why I know we can make it.


Caleb and Emery:If you tell me that you love me.Yea.Tell me that take your breathe away and maybe if you take one more


Caleb and Emery:Tell me that you love me.Yea and tell me that I take your breathe away and maybe if you take one more than I would no for sure.

Emery:Theres nothing left to say

(Emery turns away from her)

Emery:But tell me that you love me anyway.

(As she sings the last line Caleb turns her face to face him and cups her cheeks whilst putting her hair behind her ear)

After we finish I sit here with Caleb who has his hand on my cheek after he just put my hair behind my ear.We stare at each other in complete silence and he leans into me but I immediately get up.

"What are you doing?"I ask.

"Emery I-"

"No don't Emery me.You have a girlfriend.This could have been different but no you have a girlfriend."

"Are we seriously going back to the girlfriend thing Emery?"

"Yes you just tried to kiss me."

"N-No I didn't there was something in your eye."

"Yea what was in my eye Caleb."

"Ugh I don't know okay?If you tell anyone about this I'll..."

"You'll what Caleb?I've been through domestic violence before do you honestly thing a strong voice and a threat scare me."I say and he sucks in a breathe.

"But either way I won't be saying anything.I don't wanna be the known as the girl who almost got kissed by a piece of shit like you.Now get out of my house."I say.


"Get out now!"I yell this time letting the tears ago.He leaves and I scream pulling at my own hair.God how could I be so stupid.

I scream and throw the lamp on the night stand next to my coach causing it to shatter an break.Is there anything I don't break in this world?

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