6. Strangers Like Me

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6. Strangers Like Me (From "Tarzan")

Whatever you do, I'll do it too. Show me everything and tell me how.


"H-Hi." Harry stuttered as he awkwardly tried to climb into the bench seat next to the blonde boy.

He had only just arrived in Neverland and met these boys, so he didnt know what to do.

"So..." The one that Harry thought was Louis, drawled out, earning a nudge from the dark haired boy, he thought maybe his name was Zayn.

They all chuckled, and Harry didn't know why, making him feel even more ostracized from the group.

"So Harry," Liam asked. "You're from Britain?"

"Y-Yes." Harry practically whispered. "A-Are, um, you?"

"Yeah," Zayn answered. "Though we only know that because Pan keeps reminding us, otherwise we can't remember anything about where we're from."

They all started laughing again and Harry still had no idea why, so he looked down at the table and tried to hold back the tears.

He really felt like he wanted to go home. He didn't belong there and he already felt so out of place, it was hard.

"So, did you run away from a shtty home or something?" Zayn joked.

"N-No," Harry shook his head. "My adoptive parents are lovely."

"Adoptive?" Niall asked him quietly while the other three messed around, coming up with theories on why Harry was in Neverland.

"Yeah," Harry answered. "I had been in the orphanage since before I can remember, only recently me and my two sisters got adopted."

"Oh! You have sisters!" Niall cooed.

"Yeah," Harry chuckled. "They're not my biological sisters, but they may as well be. We've stuck together all our lives."

"That's adorable." Niall patted Harry's head, scruffing up his hair playfully.

The two then tuned back into the other's conversation to see them laughing and hi-fiving in hysterics.

"Or maybe it was a girlfriend he was wanting to get away from!" Louis offered, making them all laugh and turn to Harry for an answer. He felt a little under pressure from all their stares.

"N-No," Harry shook his head. "No g-girlfriends here."

"Oh, boyfriend?" Liam asked. "Cause that's fine, Louis over here likes boys too."

Harry looked over to Louis who just smiled and nodded, giving him a wink just to make him feel uncomfortable. Apparently it was funny to watch Harry squirm.

Harry laughed nervously along with the others.

"No, n-no boyfriend yet." He said.

"So what did you run away from?" Niall asked him.

"I didn't run from anything." Harry clarified. "I'm here to find out about my birth mother, Peter Pan knew her and I never did."

"Oh." All of a sudden, the conversation got really serious. They all stopped smiling, not knowing what to say about a poor guy who never got to know him mother.

"Well," Zayn piped up. "If it makes you feel any better, none of us know our families either."

"How long have you been here?" Harry asked, incredulous.

"Uh," Louis pretended to count of his fingers. "No idea!" He shouted and they all started laughing again.

To Harry, Louis seemed a little rude. He seemed to be loud and obnoxious and making jokes that weren't all that funny to him, it just made him feel left out.

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