23. I Won't Say I'm in Love

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23. I Won't Say I'm in Love (From "Hercules")

Who'd' you think you're kidding? He's the Earth and heaven to you. Try to keep it hidden, honey, we can see right through you


The next morning, Harry woke up still in Louis' arms, but there was a blanket over them.

Harry wiped his eyes and sat up carefully, squinting through the warm, orange light as he tried not to disturb Louis.

He slowly detached himself from underneath Louis' protective arm and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, stretching his arms above his head.

"You're welcome."

Harry turned around to look at the bunk above him where the voice came from.

"Huh?" He asked, seeing Niall peering over the edge of the top bunk with a smile.

"For the blanket." He pointed to the bed that he and Louis slept on, indicating to the blanket they had been covered in. "You're welcome."

"Thanks." Harry rolled his eyes, realizing that it had been his blonde friend that covered them the previous night.

"It's okay." Niall sighed, leaning back on his pillow. "You guys are cute."

Harry smiled to himself, looking fondly at Louis as he lightly held onto his hand.

"I know." Harry said absentmindedly, thinking only of his angel in paradise. Then he realized what he'd done. His eyes went wide and he blushed. "I-I mean- I didn't- what I meant was-" Then he stopped and groaned as Niall started giggling.

The blonde's head peeped over the edge again as he started at Harry with shining eyes.

"I knew it!" He whispered. "I knew you were a thing!"

"Niall, shut up!" Harry hissed back, but he couldn't hold back the smile. He and Louis were a thing and he couldn't deny it.

Niall made some sort squealing noise in his throat as he grinned.

"I'm so happy for you Harry!" He exclaimed and Harry stood up so fast, covering his mouth so he wouldn't wake up the others in the room.

"Niall!" Harry laughed as he slowly took his hand away, now standing up so they were face to face. "Be quiet."

"This is great." Niall smiled, but Harry just shook his head at him as the boy closed his eyes, presumably to go back to sleep for a little bit.

"I'm going for a walk." Harry said. "I'll see you guys at breakfast."


A little while later, Harry found himself on a small bridge looking out over the ocean as the sun rose higher in the sky. It was still quite early, and he supposed that everyone else was probably just waking up.

He sighed as he thought about his sisters. Their faces were fading in his mind as he tried his hardest to envision them, but to no avail.


Harry looked up to see Pan floating down from the sky to stand on the bridge next to him.

"Hi," Harry answered, his smile fading away.

"How are you doing?" Pan asked him. "I see you've made some good friends here."

"Yeah," Harry replied. "They're great. I just, I guess I miss home."

"I get that," Pan nodded. "We all did, until we forgot."

"Oh," Harry said in a small voice. He really didn't want to forget. "I was wondering... When can I know about my mother? You said you'd tell me, and I really want to go home-"

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