12. Just Around The Riverbend

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12. Just Around The Riverbend (From "Pocahontas")

I look once more, just around the riverbend. Beyond the shore, where the gulls fly free.


"So where are we going?" Harry asked as they walked.

Once they were out of the girl's common room, Louis had removed his arm from around Harry's shoulders.

They were walking across a small, one-person wide, rope bridge, Harry right behind Louis as they went.

He kept his eyes on the back of Louis' head, watching his perfect hair flutter in the wind.

"To the training grounds." Louis replied.

"The what?" Harry laughed as they got to the end of the bridge and Louis turned around to look at him.

"The. Training. Grounds." Louis practically spelled it out to him with a lazy smile. "You dunce." He shook his head as he laughed and Harry smiled.

"There are training grounds on Neverland?" Harry asked, surprise written all over his face.

Louis grinned at that, the pure innocence on his face was enough for Louis to want to run up to him and kiss his face all over.

"There wasn't always," Louis explained. "Pan built it a little while ago, I can't remember how long."

"Why?" Harry asked as they walked, arms swing beside each other. Both wanted to reach out and tangle their fingers together, but both were too scared.

"You ask so many questions." Louis laughed. "All in good time, grasshopper." Louis patted Harry's hair, making the younger boy blush.

Harry looked down to the wooden steps they were walking down, heading down to the ground.

"So, uh, how'd you like the girls?" Louis asked nervously, not sure whether he wanted to know the answer.

The only reason he'd gone into the room to get Harry was because Liam told him to man up and be more confident, because that was what people liked in a man, confidence.

"They're really nice." Harry chirped as they started walking on the dirt floor. "It was so much fun."

"Oh, good." Louis replied. He was hoping that Harry wasn't going to like them so much, because he didn't want to share him.

"Yeah, they were lovely." Harry laughed as he remembered.

"Good." Louis answered shortly before quickly turning a corner.

He didn't want to be rude, because he loved the girls, but he didn't want Harry to like them more than him. He knew Harry was probably straight and that made him nervous, because he didn't want him to fall for one of the girls and leave him.

But he also didn't want Harry to know he was feeling any of that, so he put on a smile and tried to forget about it.

They walked around the back of a tree and appeared in a huge clearing, filled with wooden practice dummies and racks of wooden swords, wooden bows and soft arrows, targets and small knives to throw.

"This, is the training grounds." Louis announced, his arms wide as he presented it.

"Woah..." Harry breathed as he looked around. "There's so much stuff..."

Louis shook his head as he laughed. He patted Harry on the back and walked ahead, over to the targets where a few bows and a quiver of arrows were sitting.

Luckily, the grounds were empty, they were the only ones there.

"C'mere." Louis motioned to Harry, who was still standing in the middle of the area, looking around at everything.

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