39. Goodbye May Seem Forever

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39. Goodbye May Seem Forever (From "The Fox And The Hound")

Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end, but in my heart's a memory and there you'll always be. 


Eventually, the boys made their way up to the cave for the night.

They set up a fire inside and laid out their blankets, all relaxing as they drank and ate together.

"Z, pass the water please." Niall asked, holding his hand out for the hollow coconut they'd filled with water.

"Here mate." Zayn answered as he gave it to him, passing it over a very stony looking Louis. His face was hard and emotionless as he stared into the fire.

Everyone seemed to notice his mood, but no one commented, just letting him be.

Harry smiled as Niall gulped down the water and let out an 'ah' as he finished, grinning at his friends as he tried to make them laugh.

"Hey," Liam piped up as he finished his food and put his plate to the side. "Remember the last time we were up here?"

The boys smiled at each other as they shared looks, all remembering their previous adventure.

"Yeah," Harry answered, stealing a glance across the fire at Louis, who was picking at his blanket, his plate empty.

"Yeah," Niall laughed. "These two kept us up all night with the dammed whispering."

Everyone except Harry and Louis laughed at that memory. Harry blushed and smiled, looking at Louis, while the older boy kept his head down, frowning.

"Hm, yeah." Zayn chuckled. "That was a really fun trip."

"Yeah." Liam added. "Harry's face when he saw the Fairy Oak for the first time-" He broke off as he laughed and shook his head.

"Hey!" Harry protested, giggling to himself as he blushed even more. "It was really pretty." He added in a small voice.

"You looked like you'd seen an angel or something." Niall cackled as he, Liam and Zayn all fell onto their sides and backs, laughing.

Harry simply smiled and looked across the circle at Louis as he remembered that night...


Liam was leading the way, Niall and Zayn behind him and then Louis and Harry in the back as they got further and further into the jungle, long since leaving the camp behind.

It wasn't quite dark yet, but it seemed even darker under the trees of the jungle. Still it was a perfect time to see the Oak.

"We're nearly there." Liam called out.

"So what is it that makes this tree so great?" Harry asked Louis as they walked.

"It's the Fairy's Oak." Louis explained. "It's where they live, so if you get there at the right time, you can see them all returning home for the night."

Harry nodded. "And they're beautiful?"

What Louis really wanted to say was 'not as beautiful as you' but instead, he nodded and smiled. "All their tiny lights in the darkness, it looks incredible."

"Good." Harry smiled. "I'm excited."

"Good." Louis smiled back, getting lost in Harry's eyes. He felt his throat go dry as his eyes flickered to Harry's lips for a second, unable to say anything.

"Come on you two!" They heard Zayn call out from up ahead, snapping them both back to reality.

"Harry!" Niall ran up to them with a smile, taking his hand and pulling him away. "Come and see this!"

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