3. The Second Star to the Right

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so the gif is of Peter Pan :)

and I'm sorry i was gone so long, please read the bottom authors note





3. The Second Star to the Right (From "Peter Pan")

The second star to the right, shines with a light so rare. And if its Neverland you need, its light with guide you there.


"Hiya, kid!"

Harry sat frozen as he stared at the boy that just climbed through his window. He looked 15, maybe 16, with sandy blonde hair and clothes made out of vines and leaves.

He blinked a few times, making sure he was real and he wasn't imagining things. He rubbed his eyes a few times and blinked again, but still the boy was watching him with a confused expression.

Harry slowly swung his legs off his bed and stood up.

"Uh-" He began, eyes wide.

"Hi!" The boy smiled.

"W-Who are you?" Harry asked nervously. He knew he should have been freaking out because of the random in his bedroom and he was, but he was also curious. Besides, he seemed nice and kinda cute. "W-What's going on? Uh, what-"

"What's your name?" He asked, jumping off the window ledge and onto the carpet, making Harry back up onto the wall.

"W-What's your name?" Harry retorted, trying to act cool when really, he was shitting himself.

"Peter." He said, sticking his hand out for a handshake. "Pan. Peter Pan."

"Excuse me?" Harry said in disbelief, starting to panic. "You're joking, right? Peter Pan?"

"No, this isn't a joke." He said, his smile fading a little. "Harry."

"W-Wait. You know my name?" Harry asked in alarm, really staring to get anxious. "Why did you ask it if you already knew it?"

"I was trying to be polite." He said, still holding his hand out expectantly while Harry pressed himself further into the wall.

"My sister tells stores about you." Harry said nervously. "You're not real."

"Woah," He laughed. "Not real? Well, I hate to break it to ya, but here I am, in the flesh." He finally withdrew his hand and poked himself in the arm. "Pretty real, don't you think?"

Harry gulped and didn't reply, making the boy shake his head.

"So, Harry, how old are you, sixteen?"

"Seventeen." Harry corrected.

"Sounds about right." Peter muttered. "About the right age."

"So, uh, peter." Harry stuttered. "Do you fly into random bedrooms all the time?"

The boy let out a loud laugh, startling Harry.

"Hardly." He answered. "I don't fly anywhere randomly."

"Huh?" Harry questioned confusedly.

"So, you have any siblings?" he asked, completely ignoring the question as he started looking around the room.

"Not biologically, but I have two younger adopted sisters." Harry said, watching the boy carefully. He hadn't made a move to harm him yet, so he was feeling a little more comfortable, but not completely at ease.

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