7. God Help the Outcasts

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7. God Help The Outcasts (From "The Hunchback Of Notre Dame")

God help my people, we look to you still, God help the outcasts, or nobody will.


Late that night, Louis and the rest of the bunch all climbed into bed, exhausted from having such fun on the island all day.

So it was no surprise that they slept well and when it came to getting up the next morning, they were all sluggish.

Louis yawned and stretched his arms above his head, looking around the room as his eyelids flickered open.

"Mornin' lads." He heard Liam chime, his voice low from sleep.

The rest of them all mumbled 'good morning's back as they slowly woke up.

Niall let out a long yawn. "How'd we all sleep?"

Again, they all mumbled 'good's in response.

"Harry?" Niall asked him specifically, wanting to make sure that the new kid was okay.

"Huh?" Louis questioned.

"Harry?" Niall asked again, climbing out of bed so he could look at the bed that lay empty next to Louis.

It was perfectly made, so Louis hadn't even suspected that Harry had slept there that night.

The blonde peered up at the top bunk next to Louis with a frown.

"Where is he?" he asked.

"That new kid is sleeping here?" Louis asked. "With us? In our corner?"

"Yeah," Niall answered, sitting back down on his bunk, still frowning. "I wonder where he went? I hope he's not scared of us or anything."

Louis let out a little laugh at that and swung his legs around so he was sitting up on the bunk, legs swinging in Liam's face.

"Ow, fuck." Liam swore when Louis' heel hit the side of his head. "Goddamn it Louis."

Louis snickered playfully before answering Niall.

"He probably is scared of us." He joked. "He's scared of everything."

"He's just new." Liam reasoned, still rubbing his head as he stood up. "He has every right to be frightened of this place. I'm sure we all were when we first arrived."

Louis ignored them and continued.

"So is this like, his permanent bed?" He jumped off his bunk and started inspecting Harry's.

"Yes, Lou." Niall scolded him. "I offered for him to sleep with us because he's our friend and he needs to be around people who are willing to be his friends."

"Maybe he has other friends." Louis suggested.

"Like who?" Liam scoffed. "He's been here 12 hours."

"I don't know." Louis shrugged. Niall laughed at him before shaking his head.

"Why are you being so moody, Lou?" He asked. "Anyone'd think you hated the poor new kid."

"I don't hate him." Louis retorted. "And I'm not being moody."

"Yes you are." Niall commented.

"And you clearly want Harry to sleep else where." Liam chimed.
"I am not!" Louis stamped his foot. "And I don't care where he sleeps. He can sleep here if he wants."

"Jesus, calm down." Niall started laughing, along with Liam, at their friends crazy behavior.

"I don't need to calm down." Louis answered, sitting down on the bed below his. "I'm perfectly calm."

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