46. Good Company

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46. Good Company (From "Oliver and Company")

You and me, together we'll be, forever, you'll see. We'll always be good company, you and me, just wait and see.


After playing with the girls for a while, they decided they would go out.

Harry leant Louis a warm coat, and they slowly snuck down the stairs.

"Hey mum?" Harry called out as he pushed Louis into the corner near the front door and told him to stay. "I'm going out for a bit with some friends, do you mind?"

"No worries, sweetie." Anne called back from the kitchen. "Just keep your phone on you and make sure you're home before curfew."

"Yes mum." Harry answered with a smile. "Love you!"

"Love you too, honey!"

And with that, Harry grabbed Louis' hand, opened the door and pulled them both outside, closing the door quickly as they walked down the street.

"So, where are we going?" Louis asked.

"To the carnival." Harry smiled, swinging their hands.

Louis rolled his eyes, giving his hand a squeeze. "Explain."

Harry laughed, but obliged him. "It's a like a fair, or a party for anyone to go to. There are rides and fun little games and carnival food, sometimes music. It's really fun, promise."

"Sounds like it." Louis smiled as they turned the corner onto the main street.

It was getting close to sunset, so the fair's lights were all turned on and the music was playing, it was beautiful. It reminded Harry a little bit of the Fairy Oak, where all the tiny lights would illuminate the trees and the music would play into the night.

"Woah." Louis breathed, jumping a little when he heard the loud rumble of the small rollercoaster go past. "This is so cool!"

"I thought you'd like it." Harry grinned as they walked through the front entrance, Louis all doe-eyed like a child. However he jumped again when the rollercoaster came by again, pressing himself into Harry's side.

"What on earth is that!" He asked.

"It's a rollercoaster." Harry explained. "You sit in it and it goes around the tracks. It's a ride, it's fun."

"Oh." Louis nodded slowly. "Can we go on it?"

"Yeah," Harry smiled. "But we'll have to get some tickets first."

So they walked hand in hand to the ticket booth and lined up, Louis looking all around and asking questions the whole time.

"What's that?" He pointed to a red and white striped tent covered in toys and bright signs.

"A carnival game. I think that one is where you have to use a rod to pick up the ducks, and you win prizes, like stuffed animals and whatnot." Harry explained.

"Oh, and that pink stuff?" Louis asked, nodding towards a child carrying a stick of pink fluff.

"That's fairyfloss. We can buy some later if you want, it's really yummy." Harry replied.

"You eat it?" Louis exclaimed. "Woah."

"Yeah," Harry grinned. "It's sweet, just like you."

"Oh shush." Louis rolled eyes. "And that tall thingy?"

"A Ferris Wheel, you sit in that as well and it goes around slowly, so you can see the view. It's quite nice." Harry explained. "It's really romantic, actually."

"Oh." Louis smiled, staring into his eyes as they forgot all the people around them.

Until a loud cough interrupted them.

"Can I help you?"

They both turned to the ticket booth and realized they were at the front of the line, so they stepped up, Harry bought some tickets and they were ready to go.

"So what should we do first-"

Harry was about to answer, but they were interrupted by a loud shout that terrified them both.


They froze in their tracks, faces dropping as they heard the older boy's name echo through the crowd.

Their eyes met, and they were both equally as scared and confused.

No one in England was supposed to know who Louis was. He had been in Neverland for decades at least, he was unknown to everyone except Harry.

No one could possibly know who Louis was, yet someone did.

Who on earth was calling out for the boy no one was supposed to know?




sorry its short!

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