16. Bella Notte

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16. Bella Notte (From "Lady And The Tramp")

The night will weave its magic spell when the one you love is near! Oh this is the night, and the heavens are right on this lovely bella notte!


"You like him." Niall whispered in Harry's ear as they walked down the beach, a couple meters behind the other three.

They had finished playing around and decided to lay in the sun for a little while, just chatting as they dried off.

Louis sat across from Harry, watching him the whole time. The younger boy seemed to just be entranced by everything he said.

Once they were pretty much dry, they started walking down the beach towards the east coast of the island.

"Shut up." Harry hushed him, lightly shoving his shoulder. "I don't."

"So you weren't checking out his bum just now?" Niall laughed.

Harry blushed a dark red, his eyes wide as he looked at the ground.

He had admittedly been looking at Louis' bum as they were walking, but he thought he was being discreet.

It really was a nice ass, and he knew it.

"Shut up!" Harry hissed as Niall started laughing loudly, making the others turn around and look at them.

"What are you doing?" Liam asked them as Louis and Zayn started snickering and whispering to each other.

Harry suddenly felt self-conscious as the two looked at him and he blushed even harder.

"Nothing." Niall sang, still laughing as he hooked his arm through Harry's and kept walking, catching up to the others so they were all in one long line as they moved across the sand.

Harry ended up walking in-between Louis and Niall, the latter's arm still hooked through his as they laughed.

Harry was still mortified at what happened and was still blushing red as he tried to hide his face in Niall's shoulder.

"Get off me, loser." Niall laughed, shoving Harry's head away with a grin.

"Ni," Harry whined, turning to face him. "Stop!"

Louis and Zayn had continued talking, though no one knew what about, so Harry kept his attention on his blonde friend.

Niall laughed again as they walked. The five of them started moving up the beach towards the tree line until they got off the beach and into the jungle, beginning their journey up to the cave.

"But you like him-"

"Shut. Up." Harry smacked a hand over Niall's mouth as Louis turned around and gave them a questioning look.

Harry grinned nervously back at him while Niall just kept laughing and Louis shook his head as a small smile appeared on his lips.

The terrain turned to green leafy plants and an uphill path through the trees, getting steeper and steeper as they headed upwards.

"Harry!" Zayn called out from up the front. "Come here."

So Harry gave Niall a playful shove before jogging up to where Zayn and called him from.

They were surrounded by trees and brush, then all of a sudden, it all gave way to a cliff edge, a protruding point and the most gorgeous view over the ocean.

Harry gasped as he carefully walked out onto the point and let the wind hit him from all angles. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he took it all in. It was beautiful.

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