47. Friends on the Other Side

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47. Friends on the Other Side (From "Princess and the Frog")

Sit down at my table, put your minds at ease, cause I got friends on the other side



"So what should we do first-"

Harry was about to answer, but they were interrupted by a loud shout that terrified them both.


They froze in their tracks, faces dropping as they heard the older boy's name echo through the crowd.

Their eyes met, and they were both equally as scared and confused.

No one in England was supposed to know who Louis was. He had been in Neverland for decades at least, he was unknown to everyone except Harry.

No one could possibly know who Louis was, yet someone did.

Who on earth was calling out for the boy no one was supposed to know?


Louis stared at Harry as the younger boy stared back, neither quite knowing what to do or what was going on. Louis' eyes were full of fear and Harry's heart broke for him. Those pretty eyes should never look that scared.

"Don't move." Harry whispered to him, trying to stay calm. "Keep walking."

So Louis did, pressing himself closer to Harry's side as the two of them wove throughout the crowd, trying their hardest not to freak out.


They heard the voice again, and they sped up their breaths quickening as Louis felt a sickening feeling in his stomach. He had no idea what was going on, and he was terrified.

"Harry?" He asked quietly, trying to fight off the frightened tears in his eyes, but Harry gripped his hand tighter, a frown formed on his face as he continued, determined to protect Louis.

Louis knew what he was thinking. He wanted to keep him safe, but Louis didn't know if they could be safe in a world where he knew how nothing worked. He knew that Harry was going to protect him, but the thing that worried him most was that he didn't know how to protect Harry.

"Hey!" The voice was close now, right in his ear. Louis' squeezed his eyes closed as all of a sudden, a hand clamped down on his shoulder and spun him around, making the smaller boy let out a terrified scream as he jumped backwards, turning around quickly, his eyes wide in fear.

Upon hearing the shout, Harry spun around as well, pulling Louis' hand so that his body pressed into his own, wrapping an arm around his stomach as he held him close.

But when they saw who it was, they both stopped, and a look of confusion came over their faces.

"Niall?" Harry asked, keeping a firm grip on Louis'. "What the... What- What on earth are you doing here!?"

Louis was breathing quickly, still trying to process it all. It was just Niall, and Liam as well as he watched Niall laugh and turn around, revealing Liam also coming through the crowd, obviously trying to catch up with the blonde.

"Dude!" Liam chastised, slapping Niall's shoulder. "Slow down, would ya?"

"Sorry." Niall chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "But look! I found them!"

"I see that." Liam shook his head, stepping forward to engulf Louis in a hug, pulling him away from Harry. "How are ya, mate?"

"Fucking terrified." Louis nervously laughed as he pulled back and then hugged Niall too. "What the hell are you doing here?"

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