42. Love Will Find A Way

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42. Love Will Find A Way (From "The Lion King 2")

Somehow we'll come through, now that I've found you, Love will find a way.


"So what happened?" Gemma asked as the family sat at the table, eating waffles and smiling.

Harry had Darcie on his lap, the little girl clinging to his shirt as if he would disappear in the night again.

"What?" Harry asked, turning his attention to his other sister sitting opposite him.

"When you left?" She asked again. "What happened?"

Harry frowned, thinking about what to tell them. He didn't want to hurt their feelings or make them think that he left because of them, because that wasn't true. He missed them every single day he was gone.

"I was thinking." Harry said after a moment. "About my birth mother, and how I never knew her. So I decided to try and find her."

"Did you?" Darcie turned her little face to him and asked curiously. "Find her?"

Harry gulped and looked to his mum, Anne, who smiled at him warmly, encouraging him to go on.

"Um, yeah." Harry smiled, before his voice dropped. "S-She passed away, a long time ago."

"Oh." Darcie frowned, her fists tightening on Harry's t-shirt as she tried not to cry. She wanted to be brave for her big brother.

They sat in silence for a moment, before Harry gave Darcie's waist a little squeeze, and offered her a smile.

"It's okay." Harry told her. "Her friends told me that she was great. And she's happy."

"Sorry." Darcie whispered, as Gemma got up from her chair and started clearing the table of their dishes.

"So did you have any adventures, Harry?" Anne asked, trying to lighten the mood. She gave him a wink, which made him laugh a little as Darcie twisted in his lap and grinned excitedly.

She gasped, making Harry chuckle again as Gemma rejoined them.

"I sure did." He began, a sparkle in his eye as he told his stories. "She lived in a place in the middle of the country, with lots of trees and animals. It was really pretty."

"Did you make friends?" Darcie asked.

"Yeah." Harry nodded. "I met some really nice people. This one boy, Peter, he helped a lot."

"That's so cool!" Gemma commented. "Where does he live?"

"Um," Harry stuttered as his smile faltered. "Somewhere far away."

"Will you miss them?" Darcie asked, and Harry nodded again.

"Yeah." He breathed. "I miss them heaps. They were good friends."

"Girls." Anne interrupted the conversation. "Go play in the other room. I need to speak to Harry."

"You're in trouble." Darcie whispered as she climbed off Harry's lap. "That's her trouble voice."

Gemma rolled here eyes at her sister, but the little one didn't notice.

Harry simply smiled and ran a hand down her hair, kissing her head before the two girls left the room.

Leaving Anne and Harry in silence.

"I'm sorry." Harry said eventually, a frown forming on his lips. "I-"

"So I'm supposed to believe that you've spent the most part of the year, tearing across the country with a bunch of homeless teenagers?" Anne asked, one eyebrow raised.

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