18. Can You Feel The Love Tonight

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18. Can You Feel The Love Tonight (From "The Lion King")

Can you feel the love tonight? You needn't look too far. Stealing through the night's uncertainties, love is where they are


The five boys left the mermaids and the lagoon in the late afternoon, but it took a while for them to actually leave. Liam and Sophia were inseparable the entire time so having to say goodbye wasn't fun for anyone.

But he did promise to visit soon, which made Harry happy because he liked the lagoon and wouldn't mind coming back. It was fun.

So as the five of them trekked through the jungle, the sun filtered through the trees as it slowly moved lower and lower in the sky.

Harry and Louis decided that they should take over the directions and were at the front, Harry holding the map at awkward angles as Louis marched straight forward, leading the pack on.

"Harry, which way now?" Louis asked, pushing back a branch.

"Um," He hesitated, frowning as he looked at the map. "Forwards?"

"You said that the past 3 times I asked you." Louis laughed, looking sideways at his friend. "Are you sure you're not getting us lost?"

"Uh..." Harry trailed off and Louis rolled his eyes.

"Give it here." He laughed, taking the map off Harry, who looked down as he blushed in embarrassment.

"Do you have the compass?" Louis asked and Harry handed it over as they all stopped walking.

"What's going on?" Liam asked.

"Harry got us lost." Louis answered, not looking up from inspecting the compass.

"What?" Niall exclaimed.

"I did not!" Harry protested but Louis just patted his head.

"Hush, young one." He laughed as Harry looked at him apologetically. "Let us solve the problem."

"Let me see the map." Niall said and Louis let him as he turned in circles, trying to find north.

"I'm sorry." Harry whispered to Louis as the others tried to figure out where they were.

"Don't worry about it." Louis looked up into Harry's eyes with a smile. "We're fine, we just got to head south."

"Okay." Harry answered, but he didn't seem convinced. So Louis smiled wider and rolled his eyes as he leaned up and pressed a sneaky kiss to Harry's cheek, so fast that they other's didn't see.

Harry blushed harder as Louis walked around him and back to the boys.

"Here," He pointed through some trees. "South's that way."

"Okay." Liam nodded. "But I'm leading from here."

"Good idea." Harry mumbled and Niall laughed, nudging his side.

"C'mon man, its okay." He told him and Harry smiled a little as they all walked past him, heading where Louis pointed.

"Li!" Louis called out and the brown-haired boy turned around. "Catch."

Louis threw the compass through the air and Liam caught it, so he could stay at the back with Harry.

He grinned and hooked his arm through the other boys' as they walked behind them, making their way back to the campsite.


When they arrived, it was after dark and they'd missed dinner. So Niall and Liam went to find some food somewhere while Zayn just disappeared off to find Perrie, leaving Harry and Louis alone.

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