17. The Best Of Friends

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17. The Best Of Friends (From "The Fox and The Hound")

When you're the best of friends, having so much fun together, you're not even aware, you're such a funny pair.


Harry and Louis spent the night whispering to each other in their own little corner of the cave. The other three had to tell them to shut up a few times, but they just giggled in response and continued to whisper.

They talked for a while, about nothing really. There wasn't really a point to it, just that they both really wanted to hear the other's voice some more before they went to sleep.

And when they woke up the next morning, Harry's back was pressed against Louis' stomach, the older boy's arms wrapped securely around his waist.

Niall snickered about it, teasing Harry while they were packing up and making the poor boy blush red.

"So off to see the mermaids today then?" Zayn asked the group as they were folding blankets.

"Yes!" Liam said far too quickly and far to excitedly, making the other four all look at him funilly. "What?" He asked when he caught them staring.

"Sounds like someone's excited then." Louis laughed and Harry found himself fonding over the beautiful sound.

"Shut up." Liam rolled his eyes. "I just like the Lagoon. Its nice down there."

"Sure sure." Louis laughed again, knowing entirely why Liam was so excited. It seemed like they all knew what was going on except Harry.

He looked around at them, confused, until Niall broke the silence.

"It'll be fun, Harry." He said. "And it's a nice day for swimming."

And with that, they began to make their way out of the cave and outside for breakfast. Harry was still confused, but he supposed he would find out soon anyway.

They ate around the fire, Harry and Louis snuggling together on one log.

"Scoot over, Curly." Louis had said and Harry had of course obliged.

"Curly?" Harry giggled. "That's new."

Louis simply shrugged. "I like it." He answered, grinning at the younger boy as Louis rested his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry felt his heart flutter at the nickname and the gesture.

He smiled inwardly as he ate, thanking whatever kind of God was out there for bringing him into Louis' life.

So on the way down the mountain, Harry and Louis linked arms and walked together, giving each other all of their attention because really, what else would they be concentrating on.

"Do you think the mermaids will like me?" Harry asked him.

"Of course, curly!" Louis answered, ruffling his hair. "Who could resist these curls?"

"Shut up." Harry mumbled, blushing as Louis laughed. "I'm being serious."

And for the first time, Louis looked at him seriously. His smile faded as he looked into Harry's eyes meaningfully, taking in all of Harry's nervousness.

The two were at the back of the pack, so when they stopped walking, the others just continued, out of sight.

"You'll be fine." Louis nodded, gulping as he looked at him. "Trust me."

"You sure?" Harry asked, looking down as he shrunk in on himself and suddenly felt very self-conscious.

"Harry," Louis lifted his chin so they were eye to eye again. "Trust me." Harry nodded, a small smile creeping onto his face.
"Trust me." Louis repeated, almost in a whisper as his eyes flickered to the curly lad's lips.

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