37. You'll Be In My Heart

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37. You'll Be In My Heart (From "Tarzan")

For one so small, you seem so strong. My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm.


When Harry woke the following morning, it was early. Only the very first light was filtering in through the window.

He rubbed his eyes and stretched his tired body before he slowly sat up and turned sideways, looking down at his sleeping Lou.

The boy's hair was sprawled out across the pillow and all over his face, his arms outstretched too as he practically star-fished across the tiny bed. Harry was lucky that he could cuddle up to his chest otherwise he wouldn't have any room.

He smiled as he watched Louis' slow breathing, his peaceful state, and he thought about their conversation the previous night.

He didn't want to lose Louis and he didn't want to leave him, but he just couldn't stay in Neverland.

He quietly pulled the blankets back and got out of the bed, replacing them quickly before he grabbed a change of clothes from his trunk and put them in his rucksack, along with a bar of soap he'd gotten from the fairies and a hairbrush he'd received from the mermaids.

Then, he padded across the floor to the door, and left.


The rest of the morning he tried to waste as much time as possible. He showered, he went for a walk and then he explored parts of the camp he hadn't been to before.

Once he supposed it was around breakfast time, he headed for the dining hall.

He walked in, to find it empty, only the group on breakfast duty who were laying out the buffet.

He sat down at the usual table, and rested his chin in his hands. He stared down at the table as he thought about everything.

His mother was a hero. She saved Neverland and was a name in history. Every one knew who she was, apparently, and she was the most incredible woman. He was just sad he never knew her. She sounded perfect.

He thought about what she could have looked like, what she could have said to him if she was still here, what she could have said to him when he was a baby, before she died.

She filled his mind with questions she could never answer.

And on top of that, he was leaving soon and preparing to go back to a life in London. In a city, rather than the island he'd being living on for the past few months.

He only had 2 days left in Neverland, and he wasn't sure what he was going to do with them.

He wasn't quite okay with Louis, considering their talk from last night. He was a little hurt that Louis had just brushed him off, and that he didn't want to even speak about going back to England with him.

"Hey Harry."

Harry looked up to see Peter Pan sitting down at the table opposite him with a grin.

"Hi." He smiled back.

"How are you?" He asked. "Feeling okay? I know last night was... a little overwhelming."

"Yeah." Harry let out a nervous chuckle. Finding out about his mother was definitely overwhelming. "I-Uh, I mean I guess I knew her."

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