25. Out Of Thin Air

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25. Out Of Thin Air (From "Aladdin And The King Of Thieves")

One look at your smile and I could see the light shining everywhere. People like you don't come out of thin air.


Louis groaned as he rolled over and the morning sunrise hit his face.

He could hear the breakfast bell ringing in the distance, meaning their food would be served in a few minutes.

He blinked slowly and squinted through the light as he rolled onto his back, opening his eyes to see the ceiling.

He sighed as a small smile came to his lips, remembering the previous days and his night at the Fairy Oak with Harry. He had been so happy, happier than he had ever been in Neverland.

Ever since he first arrived on the island, he had never felt fully happy. Sure, he had made some great friends and a new home, but something had always felt missing.

Until the other night at the Fairy Oak. When he was with Harry, the world stopped. Everything fell into place, like they were meant to be together.

And he didn't care how cliché it sounded, Harry was his world, now.


Louis turned his head to look at the bed across from his, looking for his dear Harry.

But the bed was empty.

Louis frowned, but assumed that Harry was just out for a walk, like he did some mornings. He was an early riser, and Louis was not, so he didn't want to worry.

But something seemed off.

Louis rubbed his eyes as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up, taking a deep breath as he slowly stood, still weary from sleep.

He yawned as he went over to Niall's bed, shaking him awake.

"C'mon," He mumbled, ruffling the boy's hair. "Get up, breakfast bell's going."

"Fuck off." Niall mumbled back, burying his head in the pillow. Louis just rolled his eyes and moved on to the next boy.

"Get up, Z." He said, using his foot to shake the dark haired boy awake. Zayn grumbled something, but Louis didn't care to listen.

"Liam." Louis whispered, shaking the last lost boy's shoulder. "C'mon, breakfast."

"Okay." Liam sighed, slowly opening his eyes and crawling out of bed.

As he walked past Zayn's bed, Liam shoved his shoulder.

"Get up." He said gruffly.

None of the boys were particularly happy with him at that moment. He'd been with Perrie almost 24/7 and they didn't appreciate it.

Obviously Zayn didn't understand the bro code, bros before hoes, because it sure seemed like he was far too wrapped up in his own little lovey world to care about his mates.

Louis slowly went over to his trunk, next to Harry's, and attempted to find some clothes.

That's when he saw Harry's empty trunk.

"Where's Harry?" Louis asked, standing up and looking at the others.

Zayn was still in bed and Niall was sitting on the edge of his, staring worriedly at Harry's bed.

No one spoke as they looked around.

"Where is Harry?" Louis said again. "Has anyone seen him?"

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