4. Hakuna Matata

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4. Hakuna Matata (From "The Lion King")

It means no worries, for the rest of your days. It's our problem free philosophy, Hakuna Matata.


"So we're going to chat up Perrie, are we?" Louis chirped with a grin as he and Zayn headed across the main area of the camp, towards the girls dorms.

"Shut up." Zayn answered, punching his mate's shoulder playfully. "We're going to hang out with the girls, cause they're our friends?"

"Oh are they?" Louis answered. "I thought they were just gorgeous girls who you stuttered around and crushed on."

"There's only one crush." Zayn said under his breath.

"Oh trust me, I know all about that." Louis chuckled. Apparently he heard what Zayn said. "Perrie this. Perrie that. Oh Perrie-"

"Shh." Zayn said as they neared the girls' dorms, gripping Louis' arm. "Shut up, loser."

"You're lucky I love you." Louis muttered, shaking his head with a smile at his best mate.

"Whatever, can we go see them now?" Zayn answered, sounding stressed.

"Hey, Hakuna Matata mate." Louis said with a grin.

"What?" Zayn asked, looking at his friend like he had grown two head.

"Hakuna Matata." Louis repeated, like that explained itself. When Zayn still looked confused, Louis elaborated. "It means no worries. Chill bruh. You're freaking out, I can see it on your face."

"Don't say bruh. You sound weird." Zayn said, scrunching up his face.

Louis simply shrugged as they stopped outside the girl's common room, knocking on the door.

"It's Zayn and Louis, open up ladies!" Louis said through the door making Zayn facepalm.

"You're so classy, Louis." Zayn commented sarcastically.

"I know." Louis answered, flipping imaginary hair over his shoulder like a tween girl.

"Hey!" The door swung open to reveal Perrie. "Come in, quick!"

It was technically against the rules for the boys to go to the girls rooms and viceversa, so they had to hurry so they weren't seen.

"How are you?" Zayn asked, hugging her with one arm and kissing her cheek.

"Yeah, good." She giggled.

Louis ignored them as he walked over to his two friends Brooke and Danielle. They were both nice ladies and enjoyed his company, so they had inevitably become good friends.

"How are we all?" He said as he flopped down onto the homemade couch, made from leaves and palm branches.

"Hey Lou." Brooke, the fiery red-head, greeted him. "We were just talking about them, actually." She indicated towards Perrie and Zayn.

"Ooo." Louis answered, clapping his hands together. "Gossip!"

He loved spending time with the girls because they talked to him like he was one of their besties, unlike some of the guys who just shunned him because he was gay.

Not that he cared, he could easily ignore them.

"Yeah," Danielle continued. "We reckon it'll only be a few more weeks until Z finally asks her out."

"I reckon maybe 1." Brooke added, looking over at them as they sat together near on the window seat.

"And!" Danielle chimed. "Some of the girls went down to the beach the other day and we were talking to one of the mermaids who said that she saw Perrie and Z together at the lagoon the other day. On a date."

"Yay!" Louis exclaimed. "Though that dick should have told me he was going to go, this is good news. They're so cute together."

"So cute!" Brooke commented as they laughed together.

They spent most of the night like that, playing stupid games, painting nails with their own polish they made on the island and just generally being together.

It was fun and when it was time to leave, both Zayn and Louis were reluctant.

However, they said their goodbyes and started the walk back.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me you went down to the lake with Perrie the other day." Louis said.

"What? How did you know?" Zayn asked, shocked.

"A mermaid told the girls because she saw you two there." Louis laughed. "You should have told me, man."

"No," Zayn whined. "You would have made fun of me."

"Not entirely true." Louis laughed back with him as they got back to the boys dorm.

Their room was one big, shared one with bunk beds lining all the walls and as Zayn and Louis entered stealthily, they noticed everyone else was already in bed.

They snuck to the end of the room where all their friends had beds together, said their goodnights and went to bed.

Louis snuggled under the covers and realized that it was warmer than it had been on the other nights, meaning one thing.

If it was becoming summer again, it was only because Pan was coming back.

And as Louis looked out the window, he saw the star that guides Pan back to their island, hoping Pan would bring someone back with him who Louis could be friends with.

He'd been feeling like something was missing his whole life. Even when he came to Neverland and he thought he was happy, there was still a hole needing to be filled.

But he didn't know what with.

He sighed and rolled over, closing his eyes to go to sleep, not knowing what tomorrow would bring.

But that was half the fun of it.




I know its short and im sorry, but that's a filler for ya.

next chapter will be more eventful! <3

thanks for the reads/votes/comments, please continue! x


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