35. Two Worlds

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35. Two Worlds (From "Tarzan")

Raise your head up. Lift high the load. Take strength from those that need you.


A few days passed and Harry was well rested, and back to normal. Tink's magic helped a lot, along with Louis insisting that he stay in bed and be waited upon, by himself of course.

"Louis!" Harry giggled as they walked back from the dining hall. The dinner they'd just had was the first time Harry had left the hospital wing since being back, and honestly, he was fine, Louis was just being cautious.

"You can't keep me locked up forever." He continued as they walked, their arms linked as Harry laughed and Louis rolled his eyes.

"I'm not keeping you locked up, you dolt." Louis joked. "I just want you to be okay."

"I am okay." Harry chuckled, resting his head on Louis' shoulder. "I'm fine, Lou."

Louis sighed and ruffled his hair. "I know." He smiled. "I know."

They walked back to their room, talking and laughing together like they always did, and both collapsed onto Harry's bed the moment they were inside.

Harry let out a long sigh and closed his eyes as he felt Louis circle his arms around him. He moved a little to snuggle into his shoulder, head resting just below Louis' chin.

"This is nice." Harry mumbled, resting a hand on Louis' chest.

"This is." Louis agreed, leaning down to kiss the top of his head. "M'tired though."

"Same." Harry nodded a little, attempting to move under the blankets, but giving up when it got too hard.

Louis chuckled at his feeble attempt, but didn't do anything to help as Harry let out a long breath and sat up.

"I miss home." Harry frowned, and so did Louis, becoming confused by the younger boy's sudden change of mood.

"What?" Louis asked, leaning up on his elbow to frown right back at him.

"I-I mean," Harry ran a hand through his hair. "I love it here. B-But, my sisters and London and- this place scares me, Lou."

"But..." Louis shook his head. "Neverland isn't scary. We're safe here."

"But we're not." Harry pressed, turning so that they were facing each other on the bed. "Hook's going to attack soon, and I don't want to be here when he does."

"But we have weapons, and training, and Pan!" Louis replied. "We'll be fine."

"You can't guarantee that." Harry replied. "I-I... I want to go home."

"Like, leave?" Louis asked.

"Neverland was always a story, to me." Harry answered. "I never thought any of this was possible. Especially meeting someone like you." He paused as he smiled briefly at Louis, who smiled back and took his hands. "But I don't belong here... I-I don't, um, fit in."

"What are you talking about?" Louis smiled, squeezing his hands. "Of course you do. Everybody loves you."

"I don't." Harry shook his head. "You're all here because you're carefree and want to live a life of fun and games. I-I'm not like that."

Louis was quiet, waiting for Harry to say more.

"We're from two different worlds, Lou." Harry looked down at the bed as he spoke, nervously picking at the fabric of his pants. "And I can't stay here anymore. I don't like fighting. I don't like trying to attack pirates. I don't like the fact that I was kidnapped and nearly died."

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